What is List: Definition and 506 Discussions

This list of tallest buildings includes skyscrapers with continuously occupiable floors and a height of at least 350 m. Non-building structures, such as towers, are not included in this list (see list of tallest buildings and structures).

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  1. H

    Checking Triangle Inequality for List Similarity Metric

    Say I have two lists, List1 and List2 containing elements such as words. Some words are common two both List1 and List2. I want to create a distance metric that tells me how far apart the two lists are based on a similarity "score". The similarity score and distance metric are as follows...
  2. B

    Programs List of graduate physics PhD programs w/lowest application fees

    Hi all, the title I think says it all! Is there a list "out there" of PhD physics departments with the lowest application fees?
  3. L

    List of people who understand relativity

    Back when Einsteins theory was very new I think there was a small list of people who understood relativity. For example Freeman Dyson wasn't on it, so when he wrote a book about Einstein the publishers were skeptical and it ended up with him meeting Einstein and all went well.. and there are...
  4. P

    List out the evidences of quantisation of charge.

    Homework Statement List out the evidences of quantisation of charge. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Like, what evidence is there for charge quantisation?
  5. E

    List of Electron Double Slit Experiments?

    I've been reading some papers about electron double slit experiments, including the one by Jonsson which seems to be the most detailed and well written so far, but I've only been able to find about five papers total. Jonsson was one, then a 1989 single-electron double slit experiment, and a few...
  6. T

    Need Help Finding Calculus Integral List Book

    Hello I have a test in calculus.. all of it.. 1 2 and 3 , and I can enter all the stuff I want to the exam.. anyone can suggest me a good integral list book. A book that has allot of integrals, but calculus related.. all the books I've found online are huge and has allot of integrals that I do...
  7. N

    Upcoming Workshops in Theoretical Particle Physics and Mathematical Physics

    Hi, Can someone suggest good sites to find a fairly comprehensive list of upcoming workshops (meaning for the rest of 2010) in all areas of theoretical particle physics or mathematical physics (especially quantum gravity related stuff but I am interested in other fields as well)? I might be...
  8. Mentallic

    Examples of Finite and Infinite Values for 0^∞ Indeterminate Form?

    Not so much a homework problem as a curiosity on my part. I chose to give a presentation recently on undefined numbers. With that, indeterminate's unsurprisingly found their way into my presentation. After reading up on the list of indeterminate forms, I stumbled upon the form 0^\infty and...
  9. J

    After using NSolve, I have a list of numbers but I only want

    After using NSolve, I have a list of numbers but I only want mathematica to print the ones which are real numbers between 0 and 1 (inclusive). How do I do that? Thanks!
  10. N

    Comp Sci CS: linked list confusion (Java)

    I just took my final for Data Structures and there was a question on it dealing with linked lists. A part of the question really threw me off. It looked something like this: public class Node { int contents; Node next; } public class LinkedList { Node head, tail...
  11. B

    Complete list of physics equations?

    This may be somewhat of an odd request, but I need a list of all physics formulas in the broad subject of physics (probably just into to physics level), preferably in plaintext. Anyone know where I can get this? I'm not looking to study it, so I'm not looking for a list of nicely categorized...
  12. MathematicalPhysicist

    A list of female string & QG theorists.

    Is there such a list somewhere in the www? My motives are pure... :!)
  13. C

    Where can I find a list of Christoffel Symbols for Various Metrics?

    Does anyone know where I can find a list of Christoffel Symbols for various metrics? Metrics of general forms, as well as famous ones like Schwarzschild and Robertson-Walker? Yes, I can calculate them all if I really need to, but it's pretty tedious.
  14. G

    Irrational numbers in infinite list of integers

    Is it safe to assume that the absolute value of sin x is greater than zero for all positive integer values of x? I have no real experience in number theory, and I don't know if you can say that there are no irrational numbers in an infinite list of integers.
  15. Z

    Does anyone know about a list of course on Quantum GRavity for the current year?

    Hi there! Just asking for a website with a detailed list of winter/summer schools, workshops and so on for the full present year, related with quantum gravity. Thank you very much in advance.
  16. F

    Terence tao's list of mathematical embarrassments

    http://rjlipton.wordpress.com/2009/12/26/mathematical-embarrassments/: i didn't think the invariant subspace problem would be an embarrassment. i guess it's not all that hard for finite dimensions. only one person mentioned goldbach's conjecture, & nobody said anything about perfect numbers...
  17. cepheid

    Send Bulk Email from .TXT File w/ Linux (Ubuntu 9.04)

    If I have a .TXT file with comma-separated e-mail addresses, is there some way that I can quickly send an e-mail out with all of them in the BCC field? For example, could this be done from the command line in Linux (Ubuntu 9.04)? Is there some way that I could have the contents of another .TXT...
  18. K

    Plot signal from list of data in MATLAB

    I want to load a .mat file which contain 500 column of data in it and plot the signal out through the GUI using .m file. Can anyone help me on the code?
  19. T

    List of required branches of mathematics to study GR

    Can you help me on making such list? "list of required branches of mathematics to study GR" I'm a high-school student, and I need to know what exactly I must study first to begin studying GR. thanks in advance :)
  20. arivero

    List of Compact 7 dimensional Einstein manifolds

    The most recent version of the theorem, as stated by Nikonorov in 2004 Let G a connected compact semisimple Lie group, which acts almost effectively on a seven-dimensional simply-connected homogeneous space M^7=G/H. If (G/H,\rho) is a homogeneous Einstein manifold, then it is either a symmetric...
  21. M

    List file names from a directory - Vietnames

    Hi everyone, I have a folder of Vietnamese songs (files). The file names are in Vietnamese. I used a VB6 program to create a list of file names and output them to MS-word. The program won't understand the Vietnamese characters, suc as ^, ., ~..., so it was represented by question marks...
  22. N

    How extensive is your To Do list?

    How extensive is your "To Do" list? I have more items on my list than I could possibly complete in my lifetime, but it's mostly for keeping busy. Prioritised by the more important things to get done, I think a decade or two will see fulfilment. So I was curious about to what extent everyone...
  23. Phrak

    Mathematica List of Mathematica Built-in Functions

    I couldn't find list of functions or operators. My naive approch was to list the elements of Symbol as Symbol seems to be the Head of all functions--but this didn't work. Is there a way for Mathematica to generate this?
  24. J

    Complete Amateur Needs List of Reading Material

    I'm sure this has been asked numerous times so I apologize ahead of time. I have no physics background but have been increasing interested and have read a few books in the recent months and my curiosity has only grown. So far I have read the following. In Search of Schrodinger's Cat - John...
  25. G

    Americans clean up in best beers in the world 2009 list

    I thought Americans made watered down crap? http://www.ratebeer.com/RateBeerBest/bestbeers_012009.asp As it has been for the last 8 years, RateBeer Best was again the largest beer competition in the world -- over 1.97 million reviews of 91,000 beers from over 8700 brewers worldwide were...
  26. A

    Well Rounded Book List - Multiple Disciplines

    I need some decent texts on general physics, chemistry, calculus, biology, and anthropology/sociology. I'm a sophomore in high school at the moment, but I'm tired of the lack of rigor in the high school curriculum, so I transferred into a homeschool program to give me more time for the...
  27. J

    List of index notation properties ?

    list of index notation properties ?? Is there a list of index notation properties somewhere on the web ?? I'm just looking for a pdf file that I can reference while manipulating tensors using index notation (and summation convention). I'm not looking for proofs at all, just a quick...
  28. H

    Why Does Every Node in My Linked List Have the Same Data from a Text File in C?

    Hey guys, I'm trying to implement a linked list in C, with each node carrying fields from a text file. The problem is that whatever was the last line read from the text file gets placed into every single node. Even more strange is that when I add an additional node outside of the while loop it...
  29. I

    Java What's wrong with my sorted linked list algorithm? (Java)

    So my algorithm compares a node that needs to be inserted with the current linked list set. it goes from first (which contains the lowest integer) and moves forward until it hits null or when the key trying to be inserted is no longer greater than the nodes being compared to. My input of 23...
  30. S

    Mathematica Mathematica: find mean value of an increasing list

    I have a list L={a_{1}, ..., a_{n}}. I would like to find the mean of L_{i} := {a_{1}, ... , a_{i}} for each 1<i<n, and then plot the means. How do to do that in a smart way?
  31. P

    Maple Define a Function from a List in Maple

    Hi, I've just ploted a graph in Maple from a list thanks to the function pointplot(...,style=LINE). The graph(cf attachment) "looks like" a continuous function. So my question is the following: Is it possible to define a function from a list in Maple (provided that the plot of this list...
  32. E

    LaTeX How to Create a List of Appendices in Latex for Thesis?

    Hello, In Latex, there are the \listoftables and \listoffigures control sequences to list the tables and figures respectively where you want. But I didn't find a similar control sequence to list the appendices, or did I miss it? Can anyone help please? Thanks in advance
  33. E

    LaTeX Table of Contents and List of Figures in Latex

    Hello, 1- How to do the table of contents like this: 2- In creating a list of figures, the long description of some figures does not appear as a whole. How to split the description of figures in the list of figures? Thanks in advance
  34. T

    Schools College List Would Like Advice

    I live in North Carolina and am going into senior year of high school and am looking to major in Physics for college with the end goal of either doing something in Cosmology or Astrophysics and am open to Condensed Matter physics. I have a list of schools that I have narrowed it down to. If...
  35. P

    Discover the Ultimate Consolidated Book List for Physics Topics at PF

    Hi. So, I was wondering if there's a consolidated book list for different topics in Physics at PF. If not, we could make one here! I ran a search, I didn't really find anything except individual threads for specific topics. Anyone interested? Feel free to start.
  36. B

    Plotting a Line in 3D from a List of Points

    Hey. Is it possible to plot a line in 3D from one point to another? The source of the points is a list.
  37. G

    Help with STL container list for INformation Manager

    Help with STL container list for INformation Manager! I'm trying to create a info manager like rolodex. Rolodex.cpp List() function void Rolodex::List() { list<string>::iterator cIterator; for (cIterator = cardlist.begin(); cIterator != cardlist.end(); ++cIterator) {...
  38. S

    List of largest lake in every country in Europe?

    I'm searching a list of the largest lake in every European country. Of course, I can google them one by one, but it would be easier if there is a list somewhere on the internet. However, I can't find any...
  39. A

    Invalid number: incomprehensible list input ERROR

    "invalid number: incomprehensible list input" ERROR Hello, I'm beginning to code in FORTRAN 77 so be patient please. I'm trying to read a plain text file (*.txt) which has 6000+ rows and 56 columns, this is the code I've been written so far: program segmente implicit real*8...
  40. S

    Comp Sci How to Resolve an Undefined Reference Error in C++ When Using SparseMatrix?

    #include <iostream> #include "recommender.h" #include <stdio.h> #include "sparsematrix.h" using namespace std; #ifndef RECOMMENDER_H #define RECOMMENDER_H class Recommender { private: SparseMatrix* ratings; // pointer to sparse matrix containing ratings char**...
  41. J

    Problem statement: If you have a list, how do you count the

    Problem statement:If you have a list, how do you count the Problem statement: If you have a list, how do you count the number of characters in that list? For example, if the list is list=['happy', 'sad', 'angry'], how do I get the program to tell me there are 13 characters in the list...
  42. F

    Reversing an Integer String Using Linked List

    Can someone help me on how exactly to do this? I'm trying to read an integer string and each "digit" in the string is put at the front of the linked list (i.e. reverse order). When I print it out I want it to reverse again. I know I'm not implementing it right because when I run it the program...
  43. MathematicalPhysicist

    A list of mathematical physicists worldwide.

    Is there a list of people who are mathematical physicists around the world, and their universities? Thanks in advance.
  44. N

    LaTeX LaTeX list of figures organised by chapter

    Does anyone know how to do this? I want my list of figures page to be organised by chapters, with the chapter heading.
  45. Ivan Seeking

    Was the Bailout Necessary for Companies 'Too Big to Fail'?

    No matter what one thinks of Bush, he was as good as gold for comedians and the "internets". http://www.languagemonitor.com/media_analysis/explainers/%E2%80%98misunderestimate%E2%80%99-tops-list-of-all-time-bushisms
  46. T

    Do you list a publication (in a REU application) if ?

    Should I list a publication if the paper has my name in there but I didn't actually write anything in the paper? (except producing some plots and results). Particularly when the professor just put my name there as a sort of "courtesy"? If so, how do I specify that I am not the primary author or...
  47. S

    List three reasons why knowing the speed of sound is important to your life?

    Please help me solving this homework! 1. List three reasons why knowing the speed of sound is important to your life? 2. From at least three sources, gather information on how you can measure the speed of sound. then, describe the methods that are available to you. Information can be...
  48. M

    Programs Combined Eng. Mech and Physics Degree class list. Thoughts?

    I'm currently a freshman at UIUC and a physics major. I've asked for a lot of advice on these forums and elsewhere and I think I may want to consider a double degree in some sort of engineering and physics. I have all my general education requirements done (thanks to a lot of AP credits) so all...
  49. P

    List of Undergrad Physics texts.

    Other than "Fundamental of Physics" by Halliday, Resnick and Walker, I'd like to know a few more good texts used in 4-year undergrad degree? I'm doing EE right now and I'd like to study Phsyics on my own. thanks.
  50. G

    Which math schools should I consider for my PhD? Comments appreciated!

    Thanks again for the comments on my previous post. I've done some work narrowing the field of math schools. Note that since my previous post I've made a decision to weight schools in the south a bit more heavily than those in the north. Here is a list, along with my comments. AMS Group I...