What is Graduate: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A graduate school (sometimes shortened to grad school) is a school that awards advanced academic degrees (e.g., master's and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor's) degree. A distinction is typically made between graduate schools (where courses of study vary in the degree to which they provide training for a particular profession) and professional schools, which offer specialized advanced degrees in professional fields such as medicine, nursing, business, engineering, speech–language pathology, or law. The distinction between graduate schools and professional schools is not absolute since various professional schools offer graduate degrees and vice versa.
Many universities award graduate degrees; a graduate school is not necessarily a separate institution. While the term "graduate school" is typical in the United States and often used elsewhere (e.g., Canada), "postgraduate education" is also used in English-speaking countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, and the UK) to refer to the spectrum of education beyond a bachelor's degree. Those attending graduate schools are called "graduate students" (in both American and British English), or often in British English as "postgraduate students" and, colloquially, "postgraduates" and "postgrads". Degrees awarded to graduate students include master's degrees, doctoral degrees, and other postgraduate qualifications such as graduate certificates and professional degrees.
Producing original research is a significant component of graduate studies in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. This research typically leads to the writing and defense of a thesis or dissertation. In graduate programs that are oriented toward professional training (e.g., MPA, MBA, MHA), the degrees may consist solely of coursework, without an original research or thesis component. The term "graduate school" is primarily North American. Additionally, in North America, the term does not usually refer to medical school (whose students are called "medical students"), and only occasionally refers to law school or business school; these are often collectively termed professional schools. Graduate students in the humanities, sciences and social sciences often receive funding from the school (e.g., fellowships or scholarships) or a teaching assistant position or other job; in the profession-oriented grad programs, students are less likely to get funding, and the fees are typically much higher.
Although graduate school programs are distinct from undergraduate degree programs, graduate instruction (in the US, Australia, and other countries) is often offered by some of the same senior academic staff and departments who teach undergraduate courses. Unlike in undergraduate programs, however, it is less common for graduate students to take coursework outside their specific field of study at graduate or graduate entry level. At the Ph.D. level, though, it is quite common to take courses from a wider range of study, for which some fixed portion of coursework, sometimes known as a residency, is typically required to be taken from outside the department and college of the degree-seeking candidate, to broaden the research abilities of the student. Some institutions designate separate graduate versus undergraduate staff and denote other divisions.

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  1. B

    Schools Need help preparing for graduate school

    Greetings, I recently got my Bachelors in Physics, and took a year off to help my family move out of state. The move is complete, and I am looking into Master's programs. My question is how can I effectively prepare for this? I don't think my skills have declined terribly, but I know they...
  2. M

    Non-Traditional Physics Education at the Graduate Level

    I'm sort of confused how to go about finding my educational path. I've been studying alone for some time, quantum field theory, quantum mechanics, relativity and I am struggling. I went to school graduate actually in mathematics, studied general relativity, some quantum. I have a degree in math...
  3. Joshua L

    Schools Best Physics Graduate Schools for QFT, GR, and HEP?

    Hey guys, just curious of your opinions on this matter. Which graduate schools are the best to earn a Ph.D. in physics theory from and research in concerning the theoretical sub-fields Quantum Field Theory, General Relativity, and Elementary Particle Physics (maybe String Theory)? Which has...
  4. N

    Graduate physics after CS and math

    Hey guys, I was wondering if someone here could help me answer some questions, and if not at least give me some advice. I'm double majoring in CS and Math. I want to pursue graduate degree in the future after I finish my bachelor. The thing is, I have so much love for math and theoretical...
  5. D

    Schools Resume or CV for Graduate School Applications

    I have a bit of a dilemma with graduate school applications that I feel many people here would have encountered. Part of the applications requires either a CV or a resume, and I find that the list of my expierences, educations, presentations and awards is a little to short to be considered a CV...
  6. D

    Schools Is Spring admission for Graduate School common?

    Hi it's too late for me to apply for Fall admission since it's already December and I haven't started my applications. Can I apply for Spring admission since I don't want to wait a whole other year to apply for graduate schools and get in again.
  7. Dishsoap

    Sources for opinions on graduate application essays?

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  8. B

    Schools Best undergrad school I got accepted to?

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  9. Dayman

    What are my Phd prospects if I graduate with a 3.3gpa

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  10. M

    Schools Question about Physical Chemistry Graduate School

    I'm currently a freshman a MIT. I was planning to do a Chemistry and Physics double major but after looking at the requirements for a Chemistry minor, it wouldn't take any additional classes to do a Physics and Math double major with a minor in Chemistry. The reason this is appealing to me is...
  11. M

    How Do I Overcome Credit Redundancy and Graduate on Time at PF University?

    Hi PF! Please help me! I am completing a Master's of Science in Mechanical Engineering and finish this term. I successfully defended my thesis and am now waiting to graduate. I was informed some of my credits are redundant, and hence won't count towards graduation. I need 45 credits to...
  12. M

    Options in higher education in physics (no math/science bkg)

    Hello! I've been reading this forum for a while now, and while I see many threads asking about similar questions as I am, I still cannot get answers to some of my questions. So I hope to get some advice here on PF. I am very interested in pursuing a career in Physics, but I don't have any...
  13. T

    Schools How to get good LORs for graduate school after graduating?

    Okay, so I graduated in May with a B.S. in EE and want to attend graduate school for EE with a concentration in solid state devices. I had around a 3.6 GPA and over 160 quantitative and verbal on the GRE. I took a device physics graduate course in my senior year (did well in it too) and after...
  14. saybrook1

    Project Ideas for Graduate Classical Mechanics and Math Methods

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  15. S

    EE at a top [graduate] school

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  16. the potato one

    Programs Graduate Degrees in Acoustics?

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  17. O

    Medical Physics CAMPEP graduate programs in Canada

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  18. A

    Graduate course as a UG: Complex Analysis or Topology?

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  19. Vannay

    Ideal advisor wary of my lack of knowledge in biochem....

    I'm in a physics graduate program shopping around for research advisors and I met with my number one pick today. He works with biological systems using calorimetry and other lab methods a biologist would know. He saw my enthusiasm and liked it but was wary about my lack of biochem knowledge. He...
  20. CjCastro

    Schools Physics Grad School for Non-Physics Majors: Schools & Options

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  21. J

    Optics for Graduate Engineering: Pre-Req E&M Knowledge?

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  22. KylieVegas

    Physics Can an applied physics graduate be a theoretical physicist?

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  23. C

    Schools Reputation of the university for graduate admission?

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  24. santhoshetty

    Can I get into a good Nuclear Fusion graduate program?

    I finished my bachelors in electronics and communication in 2014 from India. Since then I have worked as an Application Engineer in the VLSI domain at a reputed company. I would like to transition to Nuclear Fusion Physics. I am planning to give my Physics GRE in October 2015. Some background...
  25. chimath35

    Other financial aid box graduate app

    I am applying for a PhD program in statistics and I want a full assistantship. Should I check the box to apply for additional financial aid or will that affect an assistantship chance? Thanks.
  26. HeavyMetal

    Chemistry Grad Student taking Graduate Level Physics Courses

    Hello all, I am a first year graduate student in chemistry studying electronic structure theory. I am fascinated with physics, and a lot of what we work on deals with some heavy QM and mathematical methods. I've asked my advisor and he supports my choice to take some courses in the physics...
  27. Lagraaaange

    Day in life of Graduate student?

    I hear it's 60hrs + What's a day like for you? From waking up until going to bed. What's it like year round? Do you get any vacation?
  28. chimath35

    Schools What are some good schools for graduate theoretical stats?

    Could you please list and elaborate as much as you can on schools that are heavy on the theoretical side of statistics? Thank you as I have to have my applications in by December-January for grad school (I plan to enter a PhD program and would like guaranteed funding).
  29. M

    Questions on Medical Physics Grad programs

    Hi! I have found a few threads discussing medical physics, however I am still have many questions. I am going into my senior year of college with my plan all along being to get my Phd and teach physics at a university. After spending two years researching in an acoustic/optics lab, however, I...
  30. I

    Physics graduate in need of career advice

    Hello, my name is Israel and I have a B.A. in physics from California State University Stanislaus. I graduated in 2011 in the worst economy ever and in the worst part of the U.S. to be hit by the great recession. I have substitute taught in every subject in K-12, but I am looking to get into the...
  31. L

    A physics UG looking into CS graduate programs

    Purpose: Seeking general advice! "What would you do in my shoes?" My situation: All of my undergraduate research (and passion) has been related to computational projects-- Monte Carlo simulations, data analysis, and more recently image analysis (all in Python). My summers have gone into this...
  32. S

    Admissions Am I screwed graduate admission?

    I am currently studying math (honours) in a university in Canada. Due to family issues that made my first and second year of very stressful,which caused problems to my mental health Anyway here is my full transcript:First Year: Mechanics 1: 86 Calc 1: 90 C++ programming: 91 Economics: 82 Optics...
  33. R

    Prepare for HEP-th graduate application

    http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/195538/prepare-for-hep-th-graduate-application-books-research-opportunities-etc I want to specialise in high-energy physics theory. I feel quiet unconfident because the I just knew that the field is insanely competitive, so I really need your advice to...
  34. neosoul

    Schools Do Graduate schools care about length of undergraduate career

    Hey PF, I'm currently double majoring in engineering and physics. I want to be a licensed engineer and go on to grad school to study molecular engineering or something similar. However, I love my physics department. It's smaller so students get more funding and attention and way more...
  35. B

    Undergraduate Research and Mathematics Graduate Programs

    Dear Physics Forum advisers, I am a rising college junior (five-years tract) with a major in mathematics and an aspiring mathematician in the fields of theoretical computing and cryptography. I apologize for this sudden interruption but I wrote this email to seek your advice on the impact of...
  36. S

    Schools Do graduate schools accept distance education degrees?

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  37. B

    Which Graduate Course Should I Take Next Fall?

    So, for next fall I was thinking of taking: 1) GR 2) E and M 1 3) Abstract Algebra 1 4) not sure I was thinking of taking either graduate quantum or taking graduate E and M instead of the undergrad version and instead take a second math course. Now, I have taken undergrad quantum, but I was...
  38. EJC

    Schools Chances of Getting Into Graduate School Ph.D Programs

    I am a rising senior at a small liberal arts college, with an incredibly small (and therefore unrecognized) physics program. I am seeking advice regarding which Ph.D programs are within my reach. I plan on applying to AMO (Atomic, Molecular, and Optics) Ph.D programs with the intention of...
  39. Lagraaaange

    Schools Apply to Graduate school this year or wait until graduation?

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  40. J

    Graduate Physics? Plenty of research experience, low GPA

    I've been reading many of these forums regarding students with low GPAs, or low GRE scores, etc., but I am in a slightly different situation. I am about to head into my senior year of undergrad and will receive a physics BS and an applied math BS. My GPA isn't much better than a 3.0, which it...
  41. R

    Graduate options for medical physics.

    To begin, I've had a fairly long college career. I was a wellness science major for 3 years and decided it wasn't challenging enough at my small college. I switched to physics and jammed 4 years of math and physics into 2 years. I have one more year left and then I will be in graduate school...
  42. E

    Short, intensive physics/math courses

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  43. rrlamichhane

    Most promising and emerging current ECE research-topics?

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  44. J

    Engineering From Civil Engineering undergrad to Physics grad

    Hello,i am an undergraduate Civil Engineering student.When i finish my undergrad studies i want to pursue a masters degree in Physics(my ultimate goal is to get a PhD in Physics).Due to limitations in money i couldn't drop out of civil engineering and pursue an undergrad degree in Physics,so i...
  45. F

    Admissions What are the key factors for admission to top physics PhD programs like MIT?

    Hi guys, wassup? I am a physics undergraduate motivated to get into top graduate programs, namely MIT. It is not its name or prestige (only a small amount!) which attracts me to it, but the experience I desire, that is, to immerse myself to an environment, surrounded by other students of diverse...
  46. C

    Schools Physics graduate school in Spain

    Hi, how does physics graduate school work in Spain? What are the admissions tests?
  47. A

    Admissions Will this hurt my graduate admissions chances?

    I'm in electrical engineering, and my current strongest interest right now is in antenna engineering (after much electromagnetics self study). The problem is, due to the way the courses are scheduled at my school, it is entirely possible that I won't be able to take our engineering...
  48. ZapperZ

    Schools First years of Graduate School - Comments

    ZapperZ submitted a new PF Insights post First years of Graduate School from Being a TA to the Graduate Exams Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  49. ZapperZ

    Schools Entering Physics Graduate School From Another Major - Comments

    ZapperZ submitted a new PF Insights post Entering Physics Graduate School From Another Major Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  50. EternusVia

    Welcome to Graduate School Research in Mathematics

    Hi everyone, I'm currently researching graduate schools in mathematics. I would like to go for a PhD. My question is, do I apply directly to the PhD program? Or do I apply to the Master's program and apply for the PhD afterwards? What do people normally do?