What is Future: Definition and 784 Discussions

The future is the time after the present. Its arrival is considered inevitable due to the existence of time and the laws of physics. Due to the apparent nature of reality and the unavoidability of the future, everything that currently exists and will exist can be categorized as either permanent, meaning that it will exist forever, or temporary, meaning that it will end. In the Occidental view, which uses a linear conception of time, the future is the portion of the projected timeline that is anticipated to occur. In special relativity, the future is considered absolute future, or the future light cone.In the philosophy of time, presentism is the belief that only the present exists and the future and the past are unreal. Religions consider the future when they address issues such as karma, life after death, and eschatologies that study what the end of time and the end of the world will be. Religious figures such as prophets and diviners have claimed to see into the future.
Future studies, or futurology, is the science, art, and practice of postulating possible futures. Modern practitioners stress the importance of alternative and plural futures, rather than one monolithic future, and the limitations of prediction and probability, versus the creation of possible and preferable futures. Predeterminism is the belief that the past, present, and future have been already decided.
The concept of the future has been explored extensively in cultural production, including art movements and genres devoted entirely to its elucidation, such as the 20th-century movement futurism.

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  1. G

    Perplexed about my future education and career options

    So right now I'm working a job that I dislike. Of course it's only temporary, the goal being to allow my wife to finish school and save up enough money in order to allow me to enter graduate school with a minimum amount of debt. Up until this point I was bound and determined to get a Ph.D in...
  2. K

    Is Python the Future of Programming?

    Is Python the future?? I know currently in the sciences and physics especially, C++ is the language of choice. It is like this in my department, and looks to be that way everywhere else. However, in the computer science department, they don't even offer programming classes taught in C anymore...
  3. J

    Why is computer science engineering the top choice for undergraduate students?

    Hello - please help me. I am totally confused as to which undergraduate course to take. Options are electric and electronics , computer science engineering , mechanical, civil , chemical. The norm here in India ( or perhaps everywhere ) is that the top students take computer science...
  4. L

    Determining the Future Using Probability or Perception of Time?

    Just something I was wondering about Schrödenger's cat. According to Schrödenger's cat, wether the cat is alive or dead can only be defined as a probability unless you observe it, but something else could be possible. What if we had 4th dimensional perception, so we could see the future. If we...
  5. E

    Automotive Is the Demand for Automotive Engineering Decreasing?

    So a great deal of the population uses some form of rail or automotive transport daily so obviously the automotive/rail companies are making a lot of money but what I don't understand is why the demand for automotive/rail engineers is decreasing? I ask this question because I initially started...
  6. A

    Is there going to be more or less demand for analog designers in the future?

    On the one hand, there the argument that things are going digital, and most IC design firms now try to have as few analog components as they can. On the other hand, as long as you're interfacing with the real world, you can never really design a completely digital system. Also, I hear that...
  7. B

    Should a 12 Year Old Have an Idea About His Future?

    Quick question, adults often ask me what I want to do when I grow up, and then seem a bit dissapointed when I say I don't know. Should a 12 year old boy have an idea about what he wants to do with his life? What I don't tell people, is that I kinda want to be an engineer. What do you think about...
  8. A

    Engineering Future scopes after taking Engineering Physics as undergraduate course.

    I have got selected in Joint Entrance Examination conducted by IIT's of India for admissions. According to my rank, I am getting the Engineering Physics branch at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. I am greatly interested in Physics hence want to opt for this branch, but my parents are not...
  9. Z

    A list of MUST-READ titles for future physicists

    Can anyone give me a short list of MUST-READ physics books? I mean books like for example Feynman's 'QED' and Hawking's 'A brief history of time'.
  10. M

    Automotive The future of the ICE- fuel and ignition

    It is my belief that as a country we shall all be driving LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas), DI (direct injected), Turbocharged, Plasma ignited cars in the very near future. LNG because of the supply here in the US and the L part (rather than C-Compressed) for range and relative safety. DI...
  11. D

    Old guy going 'back to the future'

    Here is my situation: I am currently a physician now for the last 20 years. I'm 51. I have a B.A. in Astronomy which is my passion. I want to go back to graduate studies in physics/astronomy. I tested this out several years back and took a graduate astronomy course at our local university. I was...
  12. A

    Thank you in advance for your input and insights!

    Future of Nuclear Science?? Dear all, I would just like to ask about the prospects of nuclear science (nuclear engineering/research) in the future. Will it become a big thing due to the world's need for energy or fade out due to its dangerous properties and threat to the environment (e.g...
  13. T

    Future Space Travel referring to Electromagnetic Induction

    Homework Statement I have a question for homework which is. "Chemical rockets are unsuitable for travel beyond close planets. Describe a method of propulsion based on electromagnetic induction which could be used for long distance space travel beyond the nearest planets." Homework Equations...
  14. M

    What are my chances in future physical science/math with these grades?

    Hi folks I know I'm becoming a bit of a frequenter on this board asking for academic advice, so here I go again. I've just finished a turbulent second semester at my university taking 5 courses at first before dropping Biology as I no longer was into it. I've recently been re-evaluating what I...
  15. S

    What Careers Blend Physics, Geography, and Nature Without Heavy Physical Labor?

    I'm graduating from high school and I have no idea what my job should be or if a suitable even exists. I'd really like a job that allows me to be away from civilization and in nature for extended periods of time. It absolutely does not matter where. Problem is, those jobs usually involve...
  16. R

    Physics Physics, my Future, and my family.

    I'm 16 and just finishing my GCSE's and am on for mostly A*s, and i have wanted to go onto do astrophysics for about 3 years now. I am doing physics, maths, chemistry and history at a level and have already researched a range of universities ( and am currently liking the look of Manchester)...
  17. H

    The question of circular motion in future

    i want to know some applications(idear) about circular motion in future. Is Large Hadron Collider, LHC about circular motion? PLZ,HELP
  18. N

    Why is there a difference between past and future?

    Please teach me this: We know that there is a approximate symmetry of time T in physics(together with CP symmetry).Then why there is an asymmetry between past and future(we can not reverse the present world to past world)? Thank you very much in advance.
  19. alexmahone

    Travelling to the future (paradox)

    Some time ago, I watched a Stephen Hawking documentary which said that you could travel to the future if you went at a fraction of the speed of light for some amount of time. The explanation was this: Consider an observer O at rest. Let the time traveller be T. O sees T whiz past him and...
  20. L

    Can High Eighties in Math Impact My Future as a Math Teacher?

    Hi, My name is Nick. I am currently a Freshman in high school and just wanted to ask a few questions. Right now I am currently enrolled in Honors Geometry which is the most advanced math class for 9th graders at my school. In 8th Grade I took Integrated Algebra while most eighth graders were...
  21. P

    Physics and aerospace engineering for future career focus

    I am currently planning on double majoring in Physics (either concentrated or engineering) and aerospace engineering. My question is will this be a good undergraduate combination for a future focus in antimatter and its applications to spacecraft (specifically propulsion)? I'm sure physics...
  22. rhody

    In the future, an Exobyte of astronomical data per day

    Wow, what a Project: Square Kilometer Array This thread is unique, last one was written in 2007 concerning the "Square Kilometer Array". It looks like requirements will push new developments in hardware and software technologies to handle an exobyte of data per day. One half an exobyte of...
  23. M

    Mechanical, Electrical Engineering and the Future

    Hi, I'm currently a mechanical engineering major, and I'm looking for your input about the future of mechanical and electrical engineering. I'll start off by saying that I've always been interested in dynamics, energy, and how moving things work (vehicles, etc). With electric car motors and...
  24. A

    Courses Advice for Artemis: Future Physics Courses

    Hello everyone. My name is Artemis (namesake of Greek goddess/hunter yet I am male) and I am seeking advice on my future academic study. I am currently 12 years old, and though that is a subtle age I am currently taking private courses in Quantum Physics. My course is about to be completed and...
  25. D

    Can we see big bang in future?

    Suppose we developed a technology, which is very necessary, that we could travel FTL. Can we reach a point in cosmos from where both the chronological and spatial distance of big bang is same. Will then we be able to see bang happening?
  26. Evo

    Silence Gun: Strange weapon of the future

    I wonder if this is for real? I can see it being a popular item for married couples, and teachers. continued... http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/technology-blog/weird-gun-future-attacks-words-not-people-193050045.html
  27. C

    A Day Made of Glass (very intriguing vision of the near future)

    LINK1 LINK2 I bet we'll also have humanoid robots that are affordable (and bringing to the masses one of the few things only the wealthier have access to at the moment, i.e. servants/hired help), and also robotic cars that can drive themselves if you so desire it to.
  28. E

    Three questions about my future (4th-year looking for advice)

    In a few months I should be graduating from the University of Toronto, having specialized in physics. Academically I have done well - my graduating GPA looks like it will be around 3.96 out of 4.00 (everything above 85%, except 84% in Linear Algebra II and 78% in Modern Optics). I have done...
  29. P

    When Does the Future Stop Being Mapped Out in Special Relativity?

    I have a basic grasp of special relativity and understand why different observers will have different perspectives on the timing of events. My question is this, if Observer 1 sees two events occurring which change in time i.e of 2 lights opposite each other with the same color which change...
  30. deskswirl

    Academic Future _ advising needed

    I am an undergraduate Physics major in my 4th year (of 5.5). I recently changed to Physics from Engineering Physics (previous to that I was pre-vet) because frankly engineering classes are very boring for me. So basically I have had through a sophomore/junior level engineering education and a...
  31. E

    Chemistry Future in Chemistry: Master's or Ph.D Degree Options

    Hello. I've been reading this forum for a couple of days and noticed that it is a lot of people with Ph.D degree in different areas so I thought this was the perfect place to ask for such a thing. I am a 17 year old student and I find chemistry (Especially theoretical) very interesting. I...
  32. T

    Having thoughts about my future for a change

    Hello everyone, I don't usually post such personal matters but I feel like I really need an objective, professional opinion regarding my dilemmas... A few months ago I started my Masters in Physics in Potsdam University, Germany. I did my Bachelor in Israel. I'll try and make it short...
  33. D

    Future of Nuclear Industry in Canada

    Give what happened in Japan, Bruce Power leaving Alberta and CANDU reactors sold to SNC-Lavalin, what do you guys think? I am planning to do graduate studies in Nuke Eng, but given what is going on Canada, I might have to rethink my plans, unless you guys believe some sort of nuclear...
  34. N

    Can We Truly Predict the Future Based on Known Conditions?

    Consider holding a weight in your hand, now consider if I/you release this weight I/you would reasonably assume that it will fall, depending on the weight and properties of the weight I could then make further predicitions of what will happen after it has fallen. Having made this prediction I...
  35. J

    Engineering Which branch of engineering will be best in the future?

    Hello, me again, I was told in my last thread "Unsure 10th grader about the future" to invest my energies more towards engineering. That being said, which Engineering branch is going to be better suited in the future? My time frame for graduating, with a B.Sc., is from 2016-2018 (Sophomore in...
  36. P

    Do nebula's move? (Help calculating where things will be in the future)?

    Hey guys I been trying to figure out the location of various objects from a galatic perspective using celestia. One particular object that has been of help to me is the Horsehead Nebula. While doing this, I quickly realized that star's move, so a galactic map (if you could make one large...
  37. J

    Unsure 10th Grader what to do for the future.

    Hello everyone, let me introduce myself: you may call me Jorge (or George, whichever you fancy) and this is my first time posting on here, but I have been lurking around for about 2 or 3 months. Obviously I am in the 10th grade and is very unsure of what to do for the future. I have always been...
  38. E

    Physics 7th Grader Interested In Future Physics Career

    Hi, I am in 7th grade and have a great interest in learning how the universe works. I also love math and programming. A few days ago we started a career project in class and that has made me think about a career as a physicist. I have done lots of research onto being a physicist but I could...
  39. L

    Is there a thorium breeder reactor in the USA's Future?

    I have been reading sporadically about China's development of a thorium molten salt reactor. I am not aware of much activity in the US. Has anyone heard of the US building next gen reactors in the next 10-15 years? It seems nuclear power here is dead. Also is it true that the thorium...
  40. R

    Regarding Choice of Future Master Programs

    I have a few questions regarding how the future looks like for a few master degrees I'm thinking about to choose in a few years. I might be out pretty early because it's 3,5 years left until I'm going to have my masters degree, but I like to plan ahead and know what is waiting for me. First...
  41. Y

    The Future of Aerospace Engineers?

    What are PF's thoughts on the future of the Space industry. Many people seem pessimistic after the retiring of the Space Shuttle program. However, there has also been reoccurring news about the private space industry lately. Operations like SpaceX, Virgin Glactic, and Paul Allen's new...
  42. G

    News Poll Economic future for the USA

    The folks on this forum seem quite smart and thoughtful. Please take the attached poll and discuss the reasons for your choice.
  43. Borek

    Asians - 70% of a future US brain power?

    So, in another thread I found a link to results of 2011 Siemens Competition in Math, Science & Technology: http://www.siemens-foundation.org/en/competition/2011_winners.htm Apparently competition is held in US. Out of 20 winners 14 are Asians - 70% (that is assuming Vickram Gidwani counts...
  44. W

    Future Astrophysicist: From Questbridge Scholar to Top Grad Schools and Beyond

    I'm a high school senior in New York City who got into the University of Chicago through Questbridge- a scholarship program. It pays for everything- dorms, tuition, insurance, travel, etc. I want to major in physics with a concentration in astrophysics. I'm pretty certain its what I want to...
  45. P

    Is there a future in Engineering

    Hello, I am in my Second year Engineering science student at a local community college. My Mathematics and Science classes are in the A to B+ range, but my English is in the C- to C range. Is there a future in Engineering for me? If so could colleges still take me with low English grades? The...
  46. S

    My future in physics (current HS)

    I am currently a senior in high school, have a great interest in physics and have taken a physics class or physics-related class all four years. I have applied early to UC Berkeley, and regardless of whether I get in or not (although I have a larger chance than most, due to a specialized...
  47. P

    Math The story of a future mathematician

    Hello I'm about to enter high school and i am very fond of mathematics especialy, computer science mathematics. so i just started wondering if it is worth it getting a degree in mathematics then getting a PhD in this field. can someone tell me if this worth it; can people who are pursuing or...
  48. S

    Reservations about future academic pursuits

    I know that there are quite a few relatively similar posts, but for my own assurance, I would like some input/guidance regarding the possibility of pursuing a physics or engineering degree. I'm 29, so the prospect of returning to school is rather daunting. To be clear,my high school...
  49. Ryan_m_b

    Future fusion vs future fission

    This question was borne out of a discussion with a friend. We were talking about meeting future energy demands and we both think a predominantly nuclear approach supplemented by renewables and energy saver (i.e. cavity insulation for all houses) technologies would be desirable. When the...
  50. T

    Illusion of Time: Is the Future Already Written?

    In Brian Greene's "The Fabric of the Cosmos: Illusion of Time" on PBS, http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/physics/fabric-of-cosmos.html#fabric-time", he explains that if an alien were 10 billion light years away but not moving, the alien's current time (his "now slice") would be in sync with someone...