What is Solid: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In object-oriented computer programming, SOLID is a mnemonic acronym for five design principles intended to make software designs more understandable, flexible, and maintainable. The principles are a subset of many principles promoted by American software engineer and instructor Robert C. Martin, first introduced in his 2000 paper Design Principles and Design Patterns.The SOLID concepts are

The Single-responsibility principle: "There should never be more than one reason for a class to change." In other words, every class should have only one responsibility.
The Open–closed principle: "Software entities ... should be open for extension, but closed for modification."
The Liskov substitution principle: "Functions that use pointers or references to base classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it". See also design by contract.
The Interface segregation principle: "Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface."
The Dependency inversion principle: "Depend upon abstractions, [not] concretions."The SOLID acronym was introduced later, around 2004, by Michael Feathers.Although the SOLID principles apply to any object-oriented design, they can also form a core philosophy for methodologies such as agile development or adaptive software development.

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  1. ugenetic

    Band Structure of a solid is not related to the size/doping?

    Look at the diagram below, after all that doping, 2 blocks of Si have the same band structure? My understanding of band structure and fermi level is that: Given a block of solid (Please note, not a TYPE of solid, but this PARTICULAR block of solid) it will have its own unique band structure...
  2. A

    Understanding Real-World Emission Spectra: Are Solids Similar to Blackbodies?

    Hi all, I've got two questions about the emissions spectrum from solids. Question #1: I feel like I have a reasonable understanding of line absorption and emission spectrum of low density gases based on transitions of electrons between discrete allowed energy levels in a gas. I'm trying to...
  3. DrVirz

    Understanding 3D Solid Deformation: A Cube with No X-Direction Force

    Hi all, Having some trouble getting the final answer on the question below, the fact that the cube doesn't have a force in the x direction is throwing me off. Once I fine the force(??) in the x-direction, I can just use the generalized Hooke's law to obtain strain? Any help is appreciated...
  4. AdityaDev

    Finding the Centre of Mass of a Solid Cone

    Homework Statement Find the centre of mass of solid cone. Homework Equations $$y_{cm}=\frac{1}{M}\int_0^Hydm$$ The Attempt at a Solution First I took thin disks. I got the answer when I assumed its thickness to be dy but then dysecθ would be more accurate if half angle of cone is θ since...
  5. L

    Arduino and DC Solid State Relay 'Flicker'

    Hi, thank you for your help in advance. I have a circuit configured as shown in this image. I got this arrangement from an earlier thread. An arduino controls a DC solid state relay, and it works fine when my load is a simple LED. The arduino is controlling through a digital output header and...
  6. L

    Unit solid angle and finite angle

    Homework Statement A point source emits visible light isotropically. Its luminous flux is 0.11 lumen. Find the flux whithin the cone that has half angle of 30 degree from the light source. Homework Equations luminous flux = luminous intensity * solid anlge The Attempt at a Solution I tried...
  7. ShayanJ

    Transformation of solid angle

    I'm trying to figure out how the element of solid angle transforms under a transformation between two inertial frames moving with velocity v w.r.t. each other under an arbitrary direction. But I should say I disappointed myself! Anyway, some books which contain a brief discussion on this(which...
  8. J

    Solid hemisphere resting on an inclined plane

    Homework Statement A solid uniform hemisphere rests in equilibrium with its curved surface in contact with a rough inclined plane which is elavated by an angle α where sin(α) = 3/16. Find the angle between the symmetry axis of the hemisphere and the vertical.[/B]Homework Equations Sine rule...
  9. P

    Calculate Elastic Strain Energy in Solid State Physics

    Homework Statement A think film of ErAs(rock salt structure, a=0.574nm) is grown on top of a thick GaAs (Zn-blend structure, a=0.565nm) substrate. The substrate orientation and the film growth direction are both <001>. For very thin films, the ErAs is tetragonally distorted such that its...
  10. G

    Low Temp Limit: Paramagnet v. Einstein solid

    Hey everyone! So I have that the low temperature limit of a paramagnet is Ω=(Ne/Ndown)Ndown while the low temperature limit of an einstein solid is Ω=(Ne/q)q. How could I explain that these two equations are essentially the same considering their respective limits (Ndown<<N and q<<N) and that...
  11. Misha Kuznetsov

    Inverse Solubility of Solid Solutes

    Why is the solubility of some solids lower when the solution is heated? I read that it is because the process is exothermic (heat from breakdown is greater than the heat needed for breakdown). But why would having extra heat from outside sources inhibit the dissolving process, wouldn't it only...
  12. Aristotle

    Solid Insulator Sphere Inside Hollow Sphere Conductor

    Homework Statement I was looking for some practice problems in my textbook and found this problem that I was just a little stuck on. I drew the diagram from my textbook with the givens of the problem. Homework Equations ∲E*dA = Q (inside) / ɛ0 The Attempt at a Solution For r less...
  13. G

    Solid Mechanics - Uniqueness of Plane Stress State

    Homework Statement My textbook says that the state of plane stress at a point is uniquely represented by two normal stress components and one shear stress component acting on an element that has a specific orientation at the point. Also, the complementary property of shear says that all four...
  14. S

    Solid State Chemistry Question Regarding Fermi Energy

    Hi there, I am new to electron theory, and have a question regarding fermi energy. The book I am reading plots the Fermi energy distribuiton function vs Energy for T=0 ( upper right graph in pcture) and for T not equal to zero. The book says that, when T does not equal zero, the decrease in the...
  15. A

    Solid State Looking for a solid state physics book

    hello, i am looking for a book named "solid state physics: problems and solution" by mihaly and martin. 2nd edition. can anyone please help
  16. H

    Moment of inertia of a solid sphere

    Homework Statement Find the moment of inertia of a solid sphere of uniform mass density (like a billiard ball) about an axis through its center Homework Equations I = ∫rρdV The Attempt at a Solution I =ρ ∫r4πr2dr = ρ4π∫r4 Then I integrate this from 0 (the center) to R, so I = (ρ4π)*(R5/5) And...
  17. N

    Solid State Physics: X-Ray scattering

    Homework Statement https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10980752_10204928958360361_5256945004598578166_n.jpg?oh=7fd9defb14be9a9befa0cf5032def429&oe=55576A2C&__gda__=1431534931_425423ae11039486a001b049726e1b11 Homework Equations Charles Kittel's book on Solid State...
  18. M

    Microstates of an Einstein solid

    My confusion isn't exactly with a homework problem, but more with an example that is key to understanding a homework problem. So I am posting here anyway. 1. Homework Statement The example is of an Einstein solid, with N=3 oscillators. The book lists the multiplicity of each macrostate, with...
  19. M

    Where Can I Find Resources to Help Me Solve Double Integral Problems?

    Homework Statement Find the volume of the solid bounded by the cylinder y^2+z^2=9 and the planes x=0, y=0, z=0, and 2x+y=2. Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution This is double integral problem. I know how to find the double integral but I don't know how to set it up. How do I...
  20. C

    Transformation of Solid Angle in Gravitational Lenses by P.Schneider et al.

    When considering a small beam of null-geodesics in spacetime it is possible to define the solid angle spanned by two of the rays at the observer. At page 111 in "Gravitational Lenses" by P.Schneider et. al. they state with reference to Figure (b) that: "The dependence of this distance on the...
  21. P

    Volume of Solid of Revolution Question

    Homework Statement Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the described region about the given axis: The region enclosed above by the curve https://webwork.math.uga.edu/webwork2_files/tmp/equations/23/88cfb3fea3d8c8579f5a0608e8bd751.png, below by the...
  22. G

    Questions/problems for Solid State Physics I

    Can anyone please recommend sources for questions and problems with soultions related to Solid State Physics I course. For all range of topics from crystal structures up to semiconductors introduction (by Kittel). Thank you.
  23. N

    Physics 141B at Berkeley: Intro Solid State Physics

    Hi. I plan on being an exchange student at Berkeley next year. I cannot find any course description for this course, I only find the description for 141A+141B: http://general-catalog.berkeley.edu/catalog/gcc_list_crse_req?p_dept_name=Physics&p_dept_cd=PHYSICS 141A. Solid State Physics. (4)...
  24. praveenpandiyan

    Solid Hollow Shaft Torsion Resistance: How Will It Change?

    Homework Statement internal diameter of a hollow shaft is two third of its external diameter .if it is melted and new solid shaft is made.what would happen to the shaft resistance of torsion. in percentage? Homework Equations as i know T/j=G*angle of twist/length. torsional...
  25. P

    Solid Angle Rutherford Scattering

    Homework Statement derive an equation for the solid angle for a Rutherford scattering detector given a detcor window area of A and a distance to the detector of D for some scattering angle \phi given that d\Omega =2\pi sin\phi d\phi Homework Equations d\Omega =2\pi sin\phi d\phi A=Dd\phi The...
  26. C

    Solid solution hardening, concentration dependence

    When you add impurity atoms to a material, the yield strength often increases by a process known as solid solution hardening. This is because the impurity atoms create a barrier to dislocation motion. The literature describing this phenomenon dates back to the 1960s with some famous papers by...
  27. Coffee_

    The solid angle equation for the magnetic field of a loop

    Background: Using Biot-Savart law we proved that for a closed loop with current ##I##, the magnetic field at a point P was equal to ##\vec{B}=-\frac{\mu_{0} I \nabla{\Omega}}{4 \pi}## where ##\Omega(x,y,z)## is a function of the position of P that represents the solid angle at which the loop is...
  28. F

    Engineering Difference Between Solid State Physicist and Materials Engineer

    I would like to know what is the difference between a solid state physicist and a materials engineer. I mean, do they end up doing the same kind of job or research? If they both have the same purpose, how can they do it having different backgrounds? Which preparation is better for the purpose?
  29. spikeybrummy

    Convert solid shaft to hollow shaft

    I have a "bending stress" question, which is causing me "actual stress"... I have a solid 30m Aluminium shaft, which I need to replace with an equivalent hollow shaft, but I am having difficulty in calculating the internal and external diameters. The solid shaft diameter is 0.118m, and all I...
  30. A

    Great! Glad to hear you were able to figure it out. Keep up the good work!

    In deriving the pressure of a gas, my book states that 'if all molecules are equally likely to be traveling in any direction, the fraction whose trajectories lie in an elemental solid angle dΩ is dΩ/4π'. This initally made sense to me, but then thinking about it, I wrote dΩ=sinθdθdφ and this...
  31. D

    Solve Two Tasks with One DC Signal: Solid State Switch Circuit

    My goal is to use a single signal to do two things at the same time...when DC signal is applied turn transistor1 off and turn transistor2 on. Then when signal is not applied transistor1 returns to on and transistor2 returns to off. Frequency will be no more than 60Hz. What would this circuit...
  32. Racer_Rob

    Steady state heat conduction into a very large solid

    Say you have a flat resistor that is producing heat. You place the resistor against a sheet of steel and wait for equilibrium. One side of the steel is now at the same temperature as the resistor (assuming negligible contact resistance), the other free-air side of the steel is at a lower...
  33. BrainMan

    Calculate the buoyant force on a solid object made of copper

    Homework Statement Calculate the buoyant force on a solid object made of copper and having a volume of 0.2 m^3 if it is submerged in water. Homework Equations B = pVg The Attempt at a Solution I followed the above equation and did B = (8.92 x 10^3 kg/m^3)(0.2 m^3)(9.8 m/s^2) B = 1.74 x 10^4...
  34. G

    Why don't we get thrusted(pierced) inside solid floor.

    Dear Friends! Why don't we get thrusted(pierced) inside solid floor. Is there anything related to "Pauli's exclusion principle here"? If yes ,HOW?
  35. Z

    Volume of a Solid Revolved About X-Axis

    I'm trying to practice for my final. The sample problem is: "Find the volume of the solid generated when the region bounded by y = x4and y = x1/3, 0<=x<=1, is revolved about the x-axis." To start, I set the two y equations equal to each to find the points of intersection. x4 = x1/3, : raise...
  36. U

    Solid state physics energy, translation

    Hey, I'm having some trouble understanding why the energy changes here between the blue and red paths (see attached image), it's representing state of an electron in a square lattice crystal. Like mathematically I can see it because obviously plug and chugging the different values k in E(k)...
  37. G

    Understanding the Energy Modes of Springs in a Solid

    Hello everyone ! I'm a bit confused about assumption that's made in "Concept in Thermal Physics ; Stephen J. Blundell and Katherine M. Blundell" page 205. It is stated that " Consider a cubic solid in which each atom is connected by springs (chemical bonds) to six neighbours (one above, one...
  38. C

    What is the Threshold for Interband Optical Transitions in a 2D Square Lattice?

    Homework Statement A two dimensional solid has two electrons per unit cell and has a Bravais lattice with primitive vectors ##\vec a = \ell \hat x## and ##\vec b = \ell \hat y##. The crystal potential is weak and the solid behaves like a free electron metal. a)In a reciprocal space diagram...
  39. Hemmer

    Intuition about Stokes flow beween solid walls

    Hi there, I have a question about incompressible Stokes flow in a channel between solid walls (with no-slip boundary conditions at ##y = 0, L_y##). It is my intuition that, if the flow direction is ##x## (periodic), and the direction normal to the walls is ##y##, then there cannot be a net...
  40. Glomerular

    Thinking of rigid solid and NIFR problems

    In two weeks I have my clasical mechanics exam. This includes rigid solid and non inertial frame of reference chapters. Do you know any problem that involves both themes? This is how my exam is going to be :nb) Also, do you have any solved-problems book you could recommend me? Thanks in...
  41. T

    Volume of Solid Bounded by Circle and Plane

    Homework Statement find the volume of teh solid based on the interior of the circle, r=cos(theta), and capped by the plane z=x. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution i have drawn out the circle of equation r=cos(theta). I think that since z=x and is above the region, we have to use the...
  42. M

    Temperature of gas and solid in thermal equilibrium

    Hello I got to thinking about temperature when i prepared a lecture for my high school class. For a monoatomic ideal gas the temperature is proportional with the average kinetic energy of the atoms. For a diatomc gas we also have rotational energy (vibrations assumed to be freezed out), and for...
  43. B

    Asking for assignement in solid state physics

    Hi, I would need a huge amount of assignments in solid state physics with solutions. I found assignement from other universities. Any book reference? Thank you
  44. ZetaOfThree

    Solid State Physics problem book?

    What are some recommended resources with good problems (and preferably solutions as well) on Solid State Physics at the level of Kittel? I'm aware of Yung-Kuo Lim's "Problems and Solutions on Solid State Physics, Relativity and Miscellaneous Topics" which has graduate qualifying exam questions...
  45. P

    Solid State Theory Walter A. Harrison Solutions?

    Hi I was recently picked up solid state theory by Walter A. Harrison. I was wondering if anyone happened to have a solution set to this book as the publisher site does not have one up. Harrison has solution sets for other books up on the publisher's site so I feel like this one should be out...
  46. C

    Moment of Inertia of a solid sphere

    Homework Statement Taylor, Classical Mechanics Problem 10.11 ** a) Use the result of problem 10.4 (derivation of the general integral for a moment of inertia of a continuous mass distribution in spherical coordinates, using point particles) to find the moment of inertia of a uniform solid...
  47. W

    Degeneracies in Optical Modes in relation to Heat Capacity in a Solid

    Technically I'm supposed to have a total of 8 optical modes but only 4 of them were seen in a solid (by spectroscopy). So I suspect there's some degeneracies and symmetries involved, but I don't know which ones. I have two sets of assigned degeneracies: frequency; degeneracy set 1; degeneracy...
  48. G

    Energy Resolution of a solid state X-Ray detector

    Homework Statement Hi all, I have been given the task of quantifying the energy resolution of a p-i-n semi-conductor x-ray detector and present it as a value in electron volts Homework Equations %Resolution=E FWHM / Ei Where E FWHM is the full width half maximum of a peak and Ei is the...
  49. S

    How Does Internal Pressure Affect Yielding in Steel Tubes?

    Homework Statement A long circular steel tube having a mean diameter of 254 mm and 3.2 mm wall thickness is subjected to an internal pressure of 4.83 MPa. The ends of the tube are closed. The yield stress of the steel is 227 MPa. Find the additional axial tensile load F which is needed to...
  50. Graeme M

    Why do solids maintain their individual identity when placed together?

    I was wondering this question the other day and have read a few websites but a lot of it goes over my head. I have two questions, can anyone explain in relatively simple terms? I am happy to read the more detailed science behind the concepts, but need the concepts to be stated pretty plainly...