What is Impact: Definition and 955 Discussions

An impact event is a collision between astronomical objects causing measurable effects. Impact events have physical consequences and have been found to regularly occur in planetary systems, though the most frequent involve asteroids, comets or meteoroids and have minimal effect. When large objects impact terrestrial planets such as the Earth, there can be significant physical and biospheric consequences, though atmospheres mitigate many surface impacts through atmospheric entry. Impact craters and structures are dominant landforms on many of the Solar System's solid objects and present the strongest empirical evidence for their frequency and scale.
Impact events appear to have played a significant role in the evolution of the Solar System since its formation. Major impact events have significantly shaped Earth's history, and have been implicated in the formation of the Earth–Moon system, the evolutionary history of life, the origin of water on Earth and several mass extinctions. The prehistoric Chicxulub impact, 66 million years ago, is believed to be the cause of the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event.Throughout recorded history, hundreds of Earth impacts (and exploding bolides) have been reported, with some occurrences causing deaths, injuries, property damage, or other significant localised consequences. One of the best-known recorded events in modern times was the Tunguska event, which occurred in Siberia, Russia, in 1908. The 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor event is the only known such incident in modern times to result in numerous injuries. Its meteor is the largest recorded object to have encountered the Earth since the Tunguska event.
The Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 impact provided the first direct observation of an extraterrestrial collision of Solar System objects, when the comet broke apart and collided with Jupiter in July 1994. An extrasolar impact was observed in 2013, when a massive terrestrial planet impact was detected around the star ID8 in the star cluster NGC 2547 by NASA's Spitzer space telescope and confirmed by ground observations. Impact events have been a plot and background element in science fiction.
In April 2018, the B612 Foundation reported "It’s 100 percent certain we’ll be hit [by a devastating asteroid], but we’re not 100 percent certain when." Also in 2018, physicist Stephen Hawking, in his final book Brief Answers to the Big Questions, considered an asteroid collision to be the biggest threat to the planet. In June 2018, the US National Science and Technology Council warned that America is unprepared for an asteroid impact event, and has developed and released the "National Near-Earth Object Preparedness Strategy Action Plan" to better prepare. According to expert testimony in the United States Congress in 2013, NASA would require at least five years of preparation before a mission to intercept an asteroid could be launched.

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  1. P

    Mass of Impact: Calculate Weight & Force

    Hello, imagine the following scenario: a persons sits and stands up. At mid- distance the person's hits the head on a shelf that is right above the head. A Human Head weighs about four Kilogramm. the question I have now is, what is the mass of the impact? is it exactly four kilogram or more...
  2. Einstein's Cat

    B Gravity's Impact on Box w, l, & h: Myths & Facts

    This question may be too unambiguous but what would the affect of a gravitational field upon a box of width, w and length, l and height, h be? My knowledge of GR is superficial at most! I assume that the box would become elongated but why so and to what extent?
  3. J

    I The Largest Air Burst on Earth

    On June 30, 1908, the remote Siberian region of Tunguska made headline news when an explosion knocked down 80 million trees in an area of only 770 square miles. The mystery was that there was no crater, which led to the assumption that the space bomb responsible for the catastrophe detonated in...
  4. D

    Calculating Impact Force When Force Is Not Constant

    If force isn't constant in a system, how can I calculate impact force of two bodies accelerating towards each other. Can I use the Work formula since energy in a system is conserved? Give an example, of a way I can calculate impact force in a system in which force is not constant. Thanks.
  5. S

    MHB Impact of variables in the an in non linear equation?

    I am encountering a difficult(atleast to me) mathematical problem? I need to calculate the impact of a formulae on two sets of data for two different years Consider for example I have a simple formulae A * B * C * D = F where A,B,C,D are 4 parameters that affect the value of F. Now I have a 2...
  6. M

    Impact force during lowering of a load

    Homework Statement An offshore crane is lowering a load with a constant speed of 0.2 m/s. The crane tip has a maximum vertical and horizontal acceleration, as a result of a seastate, of 2.0 m/s2 (vertical) and 0.8 m/s2. The crane needs to lower a 200 ton object onto a stationary object. The...
  7. M

    Calculating Impact Force for 65 Tonne Object Lowered by Crane: Case Study

    Homework Statement I am a student and have a question: For a small case study I have to determine the lateral and vertical impact loads during the installation of a object onto another object. This is done by a cranevessel, using its dedicated lifting crane. However, I am not familiar with...
  8. T

    B How Tube Size & Openings Impact Water Flow

    What affects how fast the water come out of the tube?(size of tube, size of opening where the water enters, etc) thanks in advance.
  9. B

    Force of impact for human falling different heights

    Homework Statement I am trying to prove a human head hitting the ground after falling backwards down a hill suffers a significantly greater impact than one hitting the ground on a flat surface. The person is 95KG, 180cm tall, and the impact point of the head was 60cm below (in altitude) the...
  10. Erenjaeger

    Ice melted by impact of lead bullet

    Homework Statement A 3.20 g lead bullet at 28.0°C is fired at a speed of 210 m/s into a large block of ice at 0°C, in which it becomes embedded. What mass of ice melts (g)? Homework Equations I thought that the KE of the bullet would be transferred into heatThe Attempt at a Solution I used...
  11. P

    Analysis method to describe impact of variables on parameter

    Hi, I have an optical model, fully programmably controllable with python. I want to know how much my variables (say N) of my model impact a certain parameter (i.e power, abberations). Now I have no clue how to go about this. There must be some analytical (numerical) method that I could use but...
  12. A

    Establishing Speed in Motorcycle Accident: Seeking Help

    Hi I'm new to this forum and I might have putted this thread in wrong section. My question i would like to get answered its a bit complicated, I know... I have had very weird accident while riding a motorcycle as a courier in London. I don't know what caused the accident because I lost memory...
  13. C

    I Meteor impact and axial tilt, relation to climate

    I have a hypothetical question. If there was a relatively Earth-like planet out there that somehow experienced a rather catastrophic meteor impact large enough to alter its axial tilt close to 0 degrees, would such an event render the planet essentially a desert world? I.e. there are no more...
  14. A

    Impact force of falling object

    Homework Statement I am doing a project on pressure sensitive films and finding if they indicate the correct amount of impact. I have carried out an impact test by dropping a mass of 5KG from a height of 1m. I have calculated the velocity to be 4.43m/s. The kinetic energy just before impact is...
  15. Kathleen Sheppard

    Pressure Exerted on Person in City Bus Collision

    City bus estimated at 50,000 lbs is at a stop light and completely stationary. It's on a flat surface. Bus is hit by a 3600 lb car traveling at 45 to 50 mph hits bus from behind. This bus is shoved fforward 3 feet. 275 lb person leaning into frame of bus just above where the impact occurred. How...
  16. S

    Impact Load Due for Dropped Mass onto Bolt Threads

    Hello, I have an installation tool (which basically consists of a standard long bolt and nut) and a 100 lbs mass object would drop onto it (as if it were a hook) from about 1 - 2 inches. There are many forces to consider and I am looking into that. Since this installation tool will be...
  17. xpell

    Antipodal seismic focusing after an impact: real or not?

    Reading about meteorites, I have found this idea of "antipodal earthquakes" or "antipodal vulcanism" after a major impact several times. There seems to be perfectly good papers for and against, together with the usual crankish "information." There also was a thread here about the issue almost 4...
  18. henrco

    Meteor impact - Heat vaporization and capacity

    I believe my attempt below is correct but I'm not 100% sure, any guidance welcome. 1. Homework Statement Suppose a meteor of volume 1000 km3, density 5000 kg m-3 and speed 30000 km hr-1 crashed into the ocean and 10% of the impact energy was converted directly into heat. i) Estimate the...
  19. normal_force

    Impact force of Rigid objects and no displacement

    I was wondering something, I dropped a box onto my glass desk but it didn't bounce back, I also hit a hammer against a rigid wall, the matter smacked into the wall, it has KE. It never bounced back, I didn't see any deformation or rebound in either situation, I wasn't hitting too hard nor...
  20. kadi

    Calculate Vehicle Impact Speed with These Specifics - Expert Tips

    can someone help me determine the impact speed of a vehicle if i provide specifics? i keep coming up with different answers!
  21. x2017

    Finding Velocity of Golf Club After Impact with Ball

    Homework Statement Just prior to impact with a golf ball (0.042 kg), a clubhead (0.195 kg) is traveling with a velocity of 33.7 m/s horizontally towards the target and a vertical velocity of 0 m/s. The coefficient of restitution between the ball and club is 0.79. Impact lasts for 0.00043 s. The...
  22. J

    What is the resultant of the vector from this impact?

    Homework Statement two people kick a ball. one of them kicks it with a force of 215.0 Newtons. the other one with 189.0 Newtons. their approach creates a 210.0 degree angle at the point of impact and causes the ball to go in a different direction. what is the resultant of the vector from this...
  23. S

    Impact of container on final temperature of system

    Homework Statement A container contains a given mass of ice and a given mass of water both at 0 degrees Celsius. A given mass of aluminum is heated up to some temperature and submerged in the water-ice mixture. No heat enters or leaves the container. Given the specific heat of water and...
  24. P

    Calculating impact resistance of a silicone wafer

    Wondering the best way to go about calculating the ability of a silicone wafer to withstand impact. Wanting to possibly use a small pc as a fracture barrier to indicate that a part was dropped and may potentially be damaged. Need it to handle 20G. Alternative mat'l suggestions would be...
  25. needing

    Carburettor throttle slide material

    Hi. I am re-engineering a 40+ year old carburettor design. The current throttle slide has stress raiser flaws and is the same material as the mixing chamber that it slide interfaces with. The prototype slides were printed in ABS for fitment trials. The functional trials used Acetal allowing for...
  26. E

    Impact force of pressure fired vessel (Help needed)

    Ok folks I have a down hole oil tool which seals a well bore. it weighs 63KG (139 lbs) I have worked out that it is being loaded up from above with 53879 lbs. by applied pressure/ hydrostatic pressure if it was to instantly release and drop 7m what would the impact force be on a restriction...
  27. P

    Fluid mechanics - impact of jet question

    Consider a case- Force excerted on a stationary flat plate held normal to the jet. The Jet strikes on plate (see fig.) Which is smooth hence the exit velococity of jet = entering velocity of jet. According to theory. The fore is applied on plate due to change in momentum of jet. But my doubt...
  28. J

    Exploring the Impact of Ocean Depths on Global Climate

    Back home, the average depths of the world's oceans--and the Mediterranean Sea--are as follows: Atlantic--3926 meters Pacific--4028 meters Indian--3963 meters Arctic--1205 meters Southern--4500 meters Mediterranean--1500 meters In this alternate Earth, the average depths are as follows...
  29. S

    Newton's Laws: Impact, Orbit & Weight

    1. Which will have the greater force during impact; a bumble bee being hit by a train or a train being hit by a bumble bee? (Hint: Newton’s Three Laws of Motion) 1. What is the centripetal force that holds the Earth in orbit around the sun? 1. How much does a 76.0 kg person weigh on Earth in...
  30. Junichirol

    Calculating impact force during landing of aircraft

    I'm having my degree FYP with the title of 'water landing: conceptual design of float component of seaplane upon touchdown'. 1. ) I need guideline for calculating impact force of the seaplane when it touchdown on the water surface. 2. ) Regarding the landing time and landing distance. I'm...
  31. H

    Order of scalar interaction impact Feynman diagrams

    On page 60 of srednicki (72 for online version) for the $$\phi^{3}$$ interaction for scalar fields he defines $$Z_{1}(J) \propto exp\left[\frac{i}{6}Z_{g}g\int d^{4}x(\frac{1}{i}\frac{\delta}{\delta J})^{3}\right]Z_0(J)$$ Where does this come from? I.e for the quartic interaction does this...
  32. David McArthur

    Comparing force of static object to that of an impact force

    I have been asked by a piling engineer to try to come up with an alternative to static pile testing in a restricted access site. Normally a pile test is carried out by applying a static load to the ground and measuring the deflection of the pile under the load. This of course requires a large...
  33. xpell

    Why particle acceleration collisions don't cause explosions?

    Please be patient with my ignorance. :) I have just learned in the LHC's own website ( http://lhc-machine-outreach.web.cern.ch/lhc-machine-outreach/beam.htm ) that their proton beams traveling at 0.999999991c carry about 362 MJ of energy, equivalent to 77.4 kg of TNT. These beams seem to be...
  34. R

    What was the impact force of the car that hit me while riding my bike in 1989?

    Hello physics forum, thanks for the welcome. I was knocked off my push bike in 1989. The police officer who was driving a toyota corolla that weighs 880kg. He claims to have struck me on the right side of my body at 40 km. Doctors say that not possible as 95% of injuries were on the left. 2...
  35. V

    B Exploring the Finite Speed of Light and its Impact on Relativity

    Light, amount other things, have no mass, and therefore is able to attain the highest speed possible in this universe. Yet for some reason this speed is not infinite, as would what intuition dictate, but has a finite value. Would it be fair to say that the fact light, something that "should" be...
  36. D

    Impact velocity after exiting circular motion

    Hello, i want to determine the velocity with which an object moves after it has departed a rotating disk. In my problem there is a disk rotating with the angular speed w. On this disk there is a drilling in which a mass m is positioned. In case the thread in the drilling fails i need to...
  37. J

    How Can I Verify My High Velocity Impact Test Results?

    Hi all, I am doing a High Velocity Impact testing using a gas gun I have to figure out a) is my test running well and I am not getting any reflection? Please correct me or help in calculating if I am wrong at any point. I guess, I can figure out by calculating the time required for the...
  38. S

    Why is impact parameter not directly measurable?

    I'm trying to understand a few things about the kinematics of collision processes. I guess it's because we calculate the scattered angle of the projectile and then back calculate to get a value for the impact parameter. Is this right?
  39. ognik

    Closest approach with impact parameter

    Homework Statement A proton of mass m, charge +e and (asymptotic) momentum mv is incident on a Nucleus of charge +Ze at an impact parameter b. Consider only coulomb repulsion and classical mechanics, what is distance of closest approach - d? Homework Equations Haven't encountered impact...
  40. circulos meos

    Schools Does Honors status impact admissions for grad school?

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  41. B

    Impact parameter of a photon in Schwarzchild metric

    Hi, I'm having trouble answering Question 9.20 in Hobson's book (Link: http://tinyurl.com/pjsymtd). This asks to prove that a photon will just graze the surface of a massive sphere if the impact parameter is b = r(\frac{r}{r-2\mu})^\frac{1}{2} So far I have used the geodeisic equations...
  42. astrocytosis

    Finding the height of a fall given force on impact

    Homework Statement This is the second part of a two part question. The first part asked for the maximum force that can be applied to a bone with minimum cross-sectional area is 3.0cm2, Young's modulus 1.4 × 1010 N/m2, and can withstand a 1.0% change in length before fracturing. I calculated it...
  43. T

    Energy and impact -- Are these scenarios too different?

    Let's say that there is a sort of large concrete wall, that applies an average force of 12,900 N for .04 seconds while you're initially at rest. After the impact, your momentum is now 516 N*s. Your mass being of 50 kg, means your speed is 10.32 m/s. So, in terms of kinetic energy, you've gained...
  44. D

    Calculating the Earth's Recoil Speed After Asteroid Impact

    Homework Statement Most geologists believe that the dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago when a large comet or asteroid struck the earth, throwing up so much dust that the sun was blocked out for a period of many months. Suppose an asteroid with a diameter of 2.0km and a mass of...
  45. L

    Can anyone estimate the speed of a vehicle in a car accident without skid marks?

    So I know that a few of these questions have been posted previously but I also understand that each circumstance is different in regards to each aspect so I figured I would post the question and see if anyone can assist me at all. Whether it be out of the goodness of your heart or in exchange...
  46. jim mcnamara

    Deccan traps volcanic output and the Chicxulub impact

    http://www.sciencemag.org/content/350/6256/76 [ The concept is that the impact increased the lava flow markedly. So the ecological impact of the impact was extended over a longer period of time by the vast lava outflows for several hundred thousand years.
  47. DanielleG

    Experimental Uncertainty - uncertainty in impact position

    Homework Statement The diagram shows the impact of 20 projectiles launched at the same speed and angle. What is the uncertainty in the impact position? (see attached file for picture of diagram) Homework Equations No equations, my lab instructor said through an email that I can get it "just by...
  48. D

    Average acceleration of impact of ball.

    A ball travels vertically downwards until it hits a concrete floor with speed 16.1-m/s. It then bounces vertically upwards at 3.4-m/s. Examination of a high speed video shows that the collision took 1.1-ms. Considering just the collision, what is the magnitude of the average acceleration? b)...
  49. S

    Solving Impact Force Equation: Tips & Explanations

    Hello, I have been turning to this subject and tried to develop the right equation on my own. What I did was: mgh = ½kx2 (fall energy = spring energy) x2 = 2mgh/k (obviously devided by ½k) sqrt(2mgh/k) = x (taking out square root) F = mgh/x = mgh/sqrt(2mgh/k) = sqrt(½mghk) (energy /distance...
  50. tjvv

    Impact forces feet can receive without get injured

    Hi guys, I have been searching for references that could tell what are the average limits of impact (in Newtons per example) of running activity into human´s feet (material = bone). Basically the question I am trying to answer is per example to understand how much of linear acceleration...