Clicbot robotics toy (pricey at $1000 but quite cool):
whats cool is its easy to assemble, has a Scratch programming interface and a more advanced Python-based interface.
There are several reviews online to checkout and to see its actual capabilities.
I also found this cool toy from the...
Hi guys,
I'm currently attending my last year of high school in Italy and recently got admitted to Imperial College London, for the aeronautical engineering course.
Part of the uni conditional offer consists in getting a 100/100 score at the final high-school assessment(diploma), which in spite...
Hi guys,
As some of you may already know(😅), I'm 18 and currently attending my last year of high school in Italy, and looking forward to studying aerospace engineering abroad(UK or USA).
My interest in STEMs is swiftly growing, leading me to study a lot on my own, taking part in as many cool...
What the title reads.
Ebooks count. Do you buy used textbooks too?
Personally, I usually try to get a PDF/djvu file of a book I am interested in (and/or simply skim through it via Google book if possible). If I like it, I check its price on Amazon, buy it if it is cheap (I take into account...
Hi everyone.
As all of you are aware, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a detrimental impact on the global economy, accompanied by significant job losses and rising number of those who are unemployed.
That being said, even in poor economic times, there are opportunities available. So I would pose...
The exercise is 2.37 in the book, Exploring Statistics: A modern introduction to data analysis and inference by Larry J. Kitchens 2nd editions.
The data is the following:
I know the...
Graduated in 2017. No real research experience (though I was in a lab). Graduated with a 3.7 from one of the top schools in the country (maybe considered 2nd tier by some/most)
Had opportunities to use some random connections (customers I met while working for my parents) about a year out of...
Hi everyone! We have seen numerous threads (including a few that I've started) which involves demand for various STEM jobs.
I thought I would pose a different question. Which STEM jobs or careers do you feel are underrated, in the sense that few people know about them or are aware of the...
Will finish B.S. in molecular biology in May. Have found asking vague questions about where to go/apply to next are pretty unhelpful.
I believe that going through indexes of interesting research is the closest I can get to finding a place to advance myself and be happy in.
here is an example...
The WSJ and the NY Times, among other media sources, have their best sellers/new titles lists of published books. I seek the same but for STEM titles. (STEM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.) I can find such lists recommending history or biography or other...
I just stumbled across a book which new undergrads might find valuable; "What Every Science Student Should Know" by Bauer, Kim, Zureick, Lee (2016) ( ). Its subtitle is "A survival guide for undergrads". Up to 60% of new STEM majors do...
I'm a 11th grader right now, and I'm really interested in majoring in physics, and maybe engineering too. Now, I know that it's really hard to get into MIT, Harvard, Caltech, and all those really great institutes with amazing physics undergrad courses (The best in the world apparently...
This is a wonderful area of active research. Early in my EE career, I was interested in trying to use IC-scale nerve interfaces to bypass spinal cord injuries, but the science of interfacing electronics to nerve cells for long-term use was not developed enough. Even today, it is a problematic...
I'm currently living in Hawaii, and am having trouble finding good work. I have been using Indeed without much success at all. I also know about Monster and Glassdoor, but I tend to want to stick to just one generic job-hunting site. I recently found a job site associated apparently with the...
From the first time I listened a song with lyrics, almost all popular songs are about relationships between people (especially romantic relationships).
Modern songs other than this topic does exist, but very rare. Especially for STEM songs, I doubt they even exist on the radio or TV, and...
I want to design cross section area required for valve stem when valve is closed under spring force. Valve stem should be designed for buckling load but I am unable to calculate buckling load coming due to impact force coming when valve bangs on valve seat. Valve is having concentric spring.
I found this interesting article
written by Mark Saul
So the question is: What is mathematics: A necessary evil or the universal language physics is written with?
If you tune in on a random tv quiz show and wait...
do gum stem cells exist for 100% regeneration of my gums and do stem cell teeth treatment exist as well?what is a gum lift and what does it do for the human mouth? what does gum graphting do? I had asked this in a dentistry forum and its been a year or over 2 months with no response from them so...
So i was thinking about getting a tattoo. I already have a septum piercing.
Next year I am starting my math major with a minor in physics. I'm hoping to get into research later down the path.
How are body modifications perceived in grad/post grad-school?
Do any of you have them?
Hi. I'm a retired several-sciences guy, a STEM Ambassador encouraging kids to look at science, hopefully fostering interest.
I'm also interested in microscopy.
I/we are looking for ideas for small items which demonstrate interesting/educational things, for kids to look at through microscopes...
so I'm a computer science major about halfway done with my degree (i have an associate's and am waiting to resume school maybe in the fall or spring). i really enjoy learning new physics and math and about electronics (i have a few electronics workbooks that are outdated, but they are still...
What would be the best degree to have along side a degree in computer science? I am thinking it is either physics or mathematics.
My interests involve, robotics, artificial general intelligence, 3D graphics, computer vision, neural nets, file compression and aerospace engineering(It’s an...
Hi, I was wondering what stem field has the greatest likely hood to employ one as a professor at a university.
I am deciding between mathematics, physics and computer science. My father is a professor in computer science but I am not entirely sure which field I want to become a professor in(or...
By STEM I mean science, technology, engineering and math. By a bible, I mean a book which is comprehensive, big and heavy (both physically and intellectually), authoritative, and generally highly respected in the community as the standard book that contains more-or-less everything one needs to...
Although I'll (hopefully) be attending university next fall, I would love to cut my teeth on some STEM-related work before then. However, I don't know what kind of jobs are open to a high school student. I've considered dropping in at the university in my town---it's hardly elite, but hey---and...
Apologies, but this is going to be a long rant to start a discussion.
TL;DR: STEM (STEAM), like many forms of government and economics, are great in principle, but terrible when people get involved.
At my high school we are required to participate in Professional Learning Communities...
An article from Science magazine on the potential side-effects of stem cell cures:
This is something I've not considered. Stem cell research is the next big thing but...
I just came across this article from UPenn physical chemist Prof. Zahra Fakhraai on "Teaching STEM at the Time of Political Distress" ( ) . I found the article inspiring at a time when it is often hard to focus on research, and when...
Supposing immigration is heavily restricted in the future will there be an increased demand for home-grown US STEM in the next 4-8 years? How will these new rules impact the job market for US citizens? What sectors do you think will experience the biggest surge in demand?
Hi everyone! I thought I would pose this question to all of you on PF. Which STEM field do you think could be the most employable in the US and Canada in 2017, based on the following:
(1) Past demand in the US and Canada circa 2015 and 2016.
(2) Current demand in the US and Canada as of today...
So I am having the hardest time choosing a major to stick to. Good thing i have a bunch of math classes to deal with. What factors did you look into when deciding upon your major? I looked at everything from interests to job outlook to salary. I get the idea at times people major in...
Hey guys I am a senior headed to university
I considering studying STEM. I am not sure what is the difference between applied mathematics, engineering physics and engineering. Within engineering what is the difference between electrical, mechanical and chemical? Which one is suitable for those...
Published today in Nature:
Citation: Hikabe et al. 2016. Reconstitution in vitro of the entire cycle of the mouse female germ line. Nature. Published online Oct 17 2016...
Hi everyone, I'm a high schooler looking at colleges, and as I live in Maryland it would be best if I can find a suitable college in state. I plan on pursuing a double major, in Math and either Computer Science, Biochemistry, or Physics. I am unsure what kind of career I want exactly, only that...
I am in high school and my school offers very little in the way of higher level STEM classes. I want very badly to delve deeper into this topics so I want to take college classes over the summer. I want to take a Computer Science class and if possible I want to take an Enginnering or Science...
I read Andrew Hacker's opinion piece in this Sunday's NYTimes and was intrigued:
The main thesis is that there's a disconnect between the K-12 content taught to students and the need for students to master...
Hello all, hope all is well.
I come seeking ideas to present at my college's STEM Fair coming up in a few months. To give you idea of my mathematical background, I am currently taking Differential Equations(ODE) and Discrete Math. I have completed Calc I,II, Vector Calculus and Linear...
I am a major in liberal arts and science ( or at least still trying to decide on which STEM field i will be going in ) and right now i am going to take intro science courses (general biology 1 and 2, chemistry 1 and 2, physics 1 and 2) and also math courses. After i am done with the intro...
Would anyone obtaining a STEM Ph.D. have the mathematical knowledge to teach high school math (the highest math class in my hs was a choice between statistics and calculus)?
Also, what about community college? E.g., Would...say...a mechanical engineering Ph.D. or physics Ph.D, for example...
Recently, I've been interested in finding out the most cited science paper. The result can be found here, and is rather startling
It turns out the most cited science paper is: "Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent." by Lowry...
I've been interested in participating in some kind of college-level international/national STEM competitions (single or team), fairs (research based) or olympiads mainly because I never had in high school and want to experience it, but I've noticed in my search that 95% of these types of...
I'm a bit confused about some of the international criteria. I'll be applying to colleges this year and I want a career in STEM. I'm thinking BSc in Physics and Mathematics. But I've only taken two years of Maths, Physics, Chem and Bio in my first two years of High School. Then I took Principles...
Hello all, this isn't meant to be a scientific post, just a conversation. I was wondering what people think, in their opinion. As a former premed I run across a huge amount of medical students and hopefuls who looked down on other professions including STEM Ph.Ds (yes, I didn't make that up) Of...