What is Career: Definition and 1000 Discussions

The career is an individual's metaphorical "journey" through learning, work and other aspects of life. There are a number of ways to define career and the term is used in a variety of ways.

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  1. C

    Engineering Career within Engineering Analysing

    I've recently graduated from studying Aeronautical Engineering and been offered a great graduate scheme for a large transport management company as an Analyst Engineer which I'm chuffed about. My question is however, what sort of prospects can this offer me in the long run? And what other...
  2. Mariana Thomas

    Career in Astrophysics - Get Hones Answers Now

    Hello, I'm new to this forum and I've never posted a thread, but everyone on here seems very friendly so I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask a question that's been on my mind lately. I'm interested in becoming an astrophysicist, but I've heard that it's very hard to get a job. Is this true...
  3. Crichigo

    Is Pursuing a Career in Cosmology a Realistic Dream for a Passionate Student?

    Hellow guys, I know this topic is old for many people but I've read a lot of articles and forums and I would like to finally have a discussion started by me. So join me! I always enjoyed the universe and everything related to it, I am just very curious. As so I've seen a lot of Ted X videos...
  4. H

    What did you want to be career wise when you were younger?

    when i was about 11 i wanted to be a wrestler and even said i would join wrestling school at 16 , didnt happen.
  5. VoloD

    Should Someone pursure career based on skill or happiness

    Hello Everyone I am not 100 % sure if this belongs in career thread, so please feel free to tell me if this needs to be moved. I am currently happy with the career path I have chosen, I am still pursuing my MS in Electrical Engineering. However, lately I have been curious about something. I...
  6. Sewen

    What PhD specialization in Applied Physics is right for me?

    i have B.Sc in Physics and Electronics and Master in Electronics and Communication Physics please which area is the best for me to go for my PhD
  7. S

    Physics related career for Computer Science graduate?

    I hold an Engineering Degree with major in Computer Science and have 1.5 years experience as programmer. Being an Indian, I was pushed into Engineering and didn't know much about other career options back in 2008. Now I feel I should have taken up Physics. I abhor a mundane IT job. I wish to...
  8. EternusVia

    Does the space industry hire mathematicians?

    Hi all, I'm currently an applied mathematics student in my third year, and I plan to attend graduate school for pure or applied math. Physics and engineering deeply interest me, so I'm naturally drawn to the aerospace industry. Dazzling leaders like NASA and SpaceX are truly inspiring, and it...
  9. J

    Exploring Physics Career Paths - Senior in High School

    Hey so first let me say I am a senior in high school and I absolutely love physics. Especially astrophysics but I don't know much about the field or how the job market is or even what kind of places I could work. Physics is my first choice as a college major but I just don't know enough about...
  10. A

    Career Opportunities in Microfluidics After PhD

    What are the career opportunities one can have except for research in academia after a PhD in Mircofluidics?
  11. A

    Balancing Stress in Medical Physics: From Grad School to Residency and Beyond

    Hello, I'm currently in the middle of my graduate studies in medical physics (first year of Master's degree). The program has a reputation among past M.Sc. students of having a very demanding first year in terms of course content. While I'm having success in terms of GPA (3.8 last semester)...
  12. A

    Physics field and career in lasers

    Hi, am a student who studies physics in university. I want to know does laser technology is good choice for career.
  13. N

    Physics PhD at 50, seeks non-traditional career options

    I finished a Physics PhD in middle age, mostly just for the love of learning about Physics. The wisdom of that choice is questionable, but it's done now so no going back. I'd hoped to return to my previous career in software development, but at nearly age 50 I find that line of work is hard to...
  14. M

    Beginning a career after grad school

    Hi PF! Just as the title says, I'm wondering how you gained work after finishing grad school? While any STEM field is relatable, I will have completed my Master of Science in mechanical engineering this December and am wondering what some of you have done to gain employment? Do you just apply...
  15. D

    Is a PhD in Nuclear Physics a Promising Career Path?

    Can a PhD holder in nuclear physics get good opportunity in next 8-9 years? Are there chances for good career?
  16. S

    Career change to Aerospace from Architecture- need advice

    My name is Lara and I"m posting on behalf of my boyfriend who has a degree in Architecture from Cal Poly Pomona. He's been working since college on movie sets as a production designer (building/designing sets). He recently realized a passion for the Aerospace field and specifically wants to work...
  17. M

    Minoring in Physics: Choosing Between Chemistry & Geology

    I'm currently doing a bachelors degree in applied physics, which minor goes along with physics? Chemistry or Geology? Which is in demand? (Our minors are 18 credit hours)
  18. M

    Becoming a Physics Professor: Advice for OSU First-Year Student

    I'm currently a first-year student at OSU, and I'm a physics major. My first semester I got 2 C's and an A(college was harder than I expected and I didn't study a lot). This semester I am doing much better in my classes, getting close to straight A's but I was talking to someone and they said...
  19. J

    Exploring EE Career Paths: Bachelors vs. Masters Degree

    I am getting my bachelors in physics next semester but figured out I want to do EE as a career. I could finish a BSEE in two extra semesters, or go straight to MSEE in about 6 semesters. My question is how many EE jobs actually require a masters degree? Do most just require a bachelors? Have...
  20. B

    Is medical physics a good career option?

    I am thinking about a PhD in medical physics after I finish my undergraduate physics degree. However I keep seeing negative things about the job market for this degree. Does anyone have any info on the future job market for this degree. thanks ahead of time.
  21. C

    How Can I Choose the Right Career When Passionate About Math and Physics?

    Hi everyone. Sorry in advance for the long post.As much as I regret it, I didn’t spend as much time as I should have thinking about what I wanted to do for a career when I was in college. I graduated with a biology degree in May 2013, and entered a physical therapy program (a decision I had made...
  22. P

    Physics as a hobby vs. as a career

    This is a curiosity of mine that I'm hoping someone can answer. Currently, I'm about to enter a University as a chem major due to the lack of a physics major (will still probably take a physics minor). I've always been interested in physics, but I'm afraid that as a career I would end up...
  23. 655piano

    Chemistry Chemistry or Physics? Advice for Senior in High School

    I'm a senior in high school and very interested in both chemistry and physics. I have a strong background in chemistry but I am starting to lean more towards a career in physics. Any advice for college classes or decision making?
  24. M

    Programs Careers with a CS/physics double major?

    I've been doing CS for a year now with the intention to get into software development/software engineering. I decided to do a physics major in addition to my current CS degree. My main reasoning was that there's some overlap in science and CS. So getting a physics degree puts me in a place where...
  25. B

    Too late for a 16 year old to pursue a career in Physics?

    As stated in the title I'm wondering if I'd be able to pursue a career in Physics at the age of 16. I'm only asking because it seems like many physicists had taken up a serious interest in science at a young age. Obviously I've taken science related courses throughout my life time but I feel...
  26. S

    More Valuable To Programming Employers? Math PhD Or XP?

    I'm finding myself in a precarious career position. I'm working on a PhD in New Zealand in a very particular and odd foundations of mathematics theory. This theory is not widely regarded as being of much use and I was hoping to discover that it could actually be very useful. However, after a...
  27. P

    Cyber/network Security career advice?

    Hello! First of all, I am relatively new to these forums. I had a few nagging questions. I think this is the right place to post this thread...? But anyways, in college, I am currently pursuing a degree in Information Technology. I'm planning on focusing more on cyber security as I've always...
  28. D

    Best Career Path After Physics BS: Job Security & Pay

    If I were to decide that I did not want to go through with a PhD in physics and go into academia, what would be the best career path job security/pay wise. Hypothetically I graduate with a BS in physics with research experience, would it be better to go to grad school for some other field (say...
  29. TNesher

    Engineering Is structural engineering worth it?

    Hi, Right now I am in my 3rd year of a dual construction management and environmental engineering degree. I have an interest in building things (both design & construction), but more important to me is a career with a high income and quality of life. I am debating between a structural...
  30. E

    Career Change at age 30 Caution-Long Post

    I posted on another topic of going into engineering at age 30 but I really have an interest in math and physics and I want to study physics. Not because it will have money waiting on me at the end, or for any other reason for the sheer joy of learning it and just being happy. Lately in my life...
  31. cobalt124

    GCSE Choices (UK) for career in Pathology

    My son is currently choosing his GCSEs and his current chosen career is Pathology. Maths and English aside as they are compulsory he has chosen Chemistry, Physics and Biology and has four other subjects to choose. Does anyone have any advice on what these four subjects should be for his chosen...
  32. D

    Taking years off: is a career still possible?

    I'm studying at a trade school right now, to pursue a career not in the sciences. I'm also considering pursuing a degree(s) in a field of science later on, not just because of the additional job market, or the additional skills, but also because of a love and respect for the subjects, and a...
  33. H

    Engineering Direction To Engineering Career: Work is Unfulfilling

    I currently have an entry level desk job in engineering at a large defense contractor. The work and lifestyle is...very boring...to say the least. Right now my work is not very challenging (I suspect because it is entry level right now, but I have seen people with 5-10 years of experience doing...
  34. Dishsoap

    Combining a career in physics and being a missionary?

    Greetings, fellow PFers. I'm only a 3rd-year undergrad in physics, and after undergrad I am going on to get a Ph.D. (not only is this my choice, but I have a scholarship which requires at least 4 years of graduate study). For various religious reasons, I'm also considering being a missionary...
  35. VoloD

    How much does chosen university really matter

    I have been curious about something concerning universities for a while. I originally got a my BS in Physics at Louisiana Tech University. And right now I am doing Graduate study in Electrical Engineering at Southern University and AM. I am posting to ask if the type of public school really...
  36. gauss44

    Turning career toward physics with a non-physics major

    Hi Everyone, I'm in my early '30s and majored in liberal arts. In doing so, I took a couple years of physics as electives toward the end of undergrad. Between then and now, I've developed a strong interest in physics and it seems to be the one subject, out of every school and life subject...
  37. P

    How are my career prospects? Is it too late for me?

    At the university I was attending I was originally a math major but due to personal circumstance and poor study habits/lack of motivation my GPA was not exactly the best. Due to this and other reasons I was dismissed from univ two years ago but at the moment I am currently in the position of...
  38. F

    Ph.D. Student in Nanotechnology Considering a Career in Physics

    I´m now 30 years old (born in 1984) and I will be done with my Ph.d. in Nanotechnology in Mexico City. I am planning on getting married with my girlfriend (who is a U.S. citizen) on June 2016 and go live to the United States. I am now thinking what I would like to do after getting done with the...
  39. N

    What career options are available with a degree in Astrophysics?

    Hello all. I am a high school student, and I plan on going to University (not sure which yet) to study Astrophysics, and I hope to eventually land a research job at a prestigious University. Of course, this is a very ambitious goal, and that's where my question comes in: Will I be able to do...
  40. E

    Engineering Career Change to Mechanical Engineering at age 30

    I currently work in the pharmaceutical industry and I work in a lab testing purity of controlled substances. I have wanted to do engineering for several years now, more specifically electrical or mechanical. I have started to develop medical conditions due to exposure to chemicals in the lab. So...
  41. S

    Engineering Thinking of switching from mining to civil engineering - any advice?

    Hi all, I used to post a bunch of questions on these forums back when I was doing my undergrad and am back for some career advice! I live in Canada and graduated with a mining engineering degree 4 years ago. Since graduating I've realized I'd like my career to shift more into the civil/...
  42. A

    Career advice for a Swedish undergrad physics student

    I'm a Swedish undergrad physics student who needs help to decide on possible career paths. I've read a lot of the threads here in Career Guidance, and it has been very helpful but some questions remain. I have thought a lot about what I want and why, and also what I don't want, but since I don't...
  43. Corpuscule

    Did academic career requirements change in recent years?

    In the past it appeared that in some institutions, the very fact that a postdoc could get research funding on his/her own might have been the impetus for them to continue to hire his/her as a staff member. As much is stated in the PhysicsForums guide...
  44. Nietzsche_Keen

    Graduated No job yet. How can I stay current/relevant?

    First post in the forums. Looking forward to some great conversations. I took my ultimate exam for an A.A.S. in Instrumentation Technology, Electronics, and Bio-medical Equipment Repair Technology. I have an internship at a hospital SUPPOSEDLY scheduled to start in a month. I have plans to...
  45. L

    How do I get a career in Space Technology?

    I am an undergraduate Physics major, and I cannot decide if I want to go to grad school fro Astrophysics or Electrical Engineering; I love them both. I want to combine the two, and so my ideal job would be working on the electronics and technology used in space. I would love to work on projects...
  46. sara.w

    Career Prospects in BSc Math vs MSc Mathematical Physics

    Hi guys, I'm at the tail end of my BSc degree major in math, minor in physics and I am considering grad school in mathematical physics. I am looking for input on career prospects with a BSc in Math vs. MSc in Mathematical Physics. I am also wondering about entry level positions that one could...
  47. N

    Achieve Your Dream of Becoming an Astrophysics Research Scholar

    I am a student of electronics and communication and I have a dream to work as a research scholar in astrophysics. what to do after completing my engineering to achieve the same?
  48. B

    Feeling so confused about what I want for Career

    So I have been roaming topics in this forum for days now... Short story (past): I enjoyed science ever since I was young. It was always my favorite even if it was not my best subject. I went through phases where I wanted to be a volcanologist, a paleontologist, a doctor, a biologist, chemist...
  49. M

    Suggestions about future career

    Happy Thanksgiving to you! I am a high-school student and I'm a senior. I'm very interested in engineering and programming, and also space. Could you please help me decide what profession or career to choose? I mean major in college. The first thing that comes to mind is Aerospace engineering...
  50. A

    Automotive Engineering career advice

    Hello everyone! I was wondering if someone could give me some advice on what I should do in order to work in the automotive engineering field. Right now I am a freshman at Coastal Carolina University as an honors student in the Applied Physics major with a focus on engineering. I am on track to...