Online degree Definition and 86 Threads

  1. AJSayad

    Online ME or AE Program for Active Duty Military Service Members

    Hello everyone, I have a friend who serves in the military, he enlisted right out of high school (about 3 years ago) and he is looking to start a program to earn his bachelors degree. Due to his current role in the military, he needs to take courses online in order to fulfill his duties. He...
  2. Aniruddha_Abir

    Other Where can I take online Physics exams (Bachelor's level) without class

    I self study Physics for a long time. But I have no academic certification. I want to take remote online exams for the following subjects and get my certified marksheet- 1. Atomic & Molecular Physics. 2. Quantum Mechanics-I. 3. Computer Fundamentals and Numerical Analysis. 4. Electronics-I. 5...
  3. G

    Other Is an Online Degree in Physics Right for Me?

    I currently have a degree in computer science and minor in math, and I am about to start a new job doing web development. I have started my own personal project building a physics engine in C++ and OpenGL. It is a lot of fun doing applied maths. I would like to get a degree in physics. The...
  4. i_am_brendan

    Programs Recommendation for an online master's degree in astrophysics?

    Next year I'm considering an online masters in astrophysics / astronomy. Any recommendations / has anyone done one? Top universities in this field? I have a B.Sc and M.Sc in mathematics and strong background in computer science / data analytics so I want one which is technical. The options I...
  5. K

    Programs Online degree vs traditional bachelors degree?

    I'm currently looking at colleges to transfer to once I complete my associates. I still deciding on Clemson or USC, but I was also considering Arizona State online since their software engineering program is abet accredited. I was wondering though how would an employer view an online degree...
  6. A

    Programs Peer online degree programs, No in-person class -- Good idea?

    Hello all, I just had a few questions about online degree programs and was wondering if they can be done/are worth it. First let me explain my situation as to why I want to do online school as opposed to a brick-and-mortar school. I'm currently in the military and as you can imagine its pretty...

    Programs Online degree for international students with financial aids

    Hi, everyone I am from Egypt where education is not good at all so, I am using MOOCs a lot I have just know about online degrees and I want to ask if there are online degree for international students with financial aids are these really matter and considerable for a scholarship ?? if...
  8. D

    Schools Online schools with video lectures & no group work?

    I'm looking for an online American college for a bachelor's degree, with video lectures, and no group work. What are my options? I have difficulty with reading. This kind of a college would work best for me.
  9. Elnazar

    Options for Pursuing Physics Degree While Working Full-Time

    Hi guys! My apologies if this has already been posted, I couldn't find anything. I'm on my way to finish my Bachelor in Business Management in February at the age of 21. I come from a small town in Europe and worked my ass off to the point where I currently have lucrative job offer straight out...
  10. K

    Programs Math, Physics & Computer Science Online Majors

    Hi everybody,I am a math, physics, and English A-level and will be writing my final exams in October/November. My primary goal is to garner a BSc in math, physics, and computer science, before entering post-graduate study at a good research university in either math or physics, and hopefully in...
  11. B

    Testing Maximizing Your Pre-Med Education: Essential Courses for Med School Success

    I consider myself premed, i.e. taking org chem,bio etc and only want to go to med school... but i'll be done with those prereqs at the end of this year, and i consider majoring in math. i.e. the last 2 years of undergrad i could do any major i want. and i wanted to know what courses are...
  12. S

    Projectile Motion: Angle of Impact

    Homework Statement A ball is thrown from a bridge 200 m high with an initial velocity of 34.4 m/s at an angle of 54° above the horizontal. Homework Equations I'm not sure... arctan Vx/Vy = x? I really don't know. The Attempt at a Solution (a) How high above the throwing height does...
  13. Z

    Engineering Getting back into physics after engineering masters

    I'm a 2013 graduate with a BS in physics (no specialization). My current line of work doesn't allow me to pursue a degree in-residence however an advanced degree is required for career progression. I've been looking into nuclear engineering programs offered online, mainly Penn State. However, I...
  14. J

    How Does Scoring Simplify Chess Rating Systems?

    All chess rating systems including the Elo rating system are based on a procedure called "scoring" which assigns a score of 1 for a win, 0 for a loss, and 1/2 for a draw. This procedure reduces the trinomial nature of chess game outcomes to a binomial variable and thereby greatly simplifies the...
  15. R

    How can I make an experimental Nyquist plot using my data?

    Homework Statement I'm trying to make a Nyquist diagram based on experimental data obtained of the gain and phase of a high-pass RC filter which has the transfer function: ##\frac{V_{out}}{V_{in}}=\frac{R}{R+1/(j \omega C)}=\frac{1}{1-j\omega_0/\omega}## Here are the superimposed...
  16. G

    Will a DeVry Electronics Engineering Technology Degree Open Doors for My Career?

    Hey folks! I'm new here, and am currently attending DeVry University. (Bear with me here!) I have read through tons of posts around here which looks to be a DeVry rep posing as an interested user making claims about how great the school is, and quickly following are people exposing them for...
  17. S

    Statistics degree for personal development?

    Greetings guys with highest IQ's on planet earth, Mine is not a physics question and my first post, but on a search I found other answers to this area of math so hoped someone might be able to help. I'm a 38 year old senior logistics manager without college education, looking to get an assoc...
  18. I

    ASU Online Electrical Engineering Degree

    Hey guys, I tried using search for this, didnt see it. Hello, I haven't been very active here. I used to be a self employed software engineer, then I went to school for some general ed... got into the electrical apprenticeship (to be an electrician, not engineer) and i found the technical...
  19. cpscdave

    Where Can I Find Online Resources to Pre-Learn Electromechanics?

    TLDR; I'm looking for a good online source for electromechanics material I can pre-learn prior to taking the course at university Hi folks, In the fall I'm starting my last semester of EE, and one of the courses we have to take is Electromechanics. We just found out who the professor is...
  20. marcus

    Landmark talk by Steinhardt (28 minute video online)

    Seriously excellent talk given Monday 23 June at the Princeton Strings 2014 conference by Paul Steinhardt: You may have to pause it and wait for buffering. I found that after the video had played through I could drag the button back...
  21. S

    How can I handle a bad situation with course prerequisites?

    Hi physics forums, I'm in a bit of a situation and I was wondering if anyone could offer some advice. I'll start out describing the problem. I am currently a senior in high school but there is this program where I can take two classes at the local university. My original plan was to take calc...
  22. 1

    Does a Specialized Master's Program Limit PhD Opportunities in Mathematics?

    I have a bachelors in math and want a graduate degree. There is a degree at a nearby school that is not "mathematics" but is "Masters of Science in Community and Technical College Mathematics." A lot of it is online, so I can continue working. Even if I did very well in this program, does...
  23. TheSodesa

    Polynomial long division -- How does it work?

    Let's say I wanted to do the following calculation: (x^2 + 2x + 1) / (x+1) I've scrolled through some online guides, and they all show how to do it, but not the principle behind it. I'm specifically having trouble with the fact, that instead of dividing the largest degree term with the entire...
  24. M

    Mature student/returning to school

    Hello all, I am thinking of returning to school to complete a PhD in Physics and hopefully work in particle or astrophysics. I will be 43 in August and think a PhD would be a perfect 50th birthday present to me, along with the knowledge it brings. Of course, I am nervous about my age but I...
  25. Conservation

    Oxidation of Metal Using a Generator

    Hi all, this question may sound incredibly obvious to a degree of trolling, but I was having difficulty finding an online source that dealt with this subject. When one connects a metallic plate to, say, a positive end of a voltage source, is the metal actually oxidizing and changing to +1...
  26. R

    Secondary Physics Certification in Illinois?

    I was recently kicked out of my teacher licensing program at an online university because my host teacher and I were not compatible. I was demonstration teaching at a high school and I knew it was a lost cause when the HT said "It's obvious you're going to have a different teaching style that me...
  27. V

    Engineering Is a MS in mathematics in anyway useful in the engineering industry?

    I am a junior doing a major in electrical engineering, with a minor in mathematics (maybe a double major). The university I am going to doesn't have a masters program for electrical engineering though. I am also a non-traditional student (in that I am in my late twenties, and didn't start...
  28. E

    The career path becomes foggy on which direction to go

    Hey everyone, Last summer I had realized that my interest in science had spiked dramatically, and more specifically, the cosmos and physics, so I decided to research the available colleges around me and decided to start off at a community college to take the entry level courses to see if my...
  29. S

    Ex-Grad School Physics Major looking at Military for Job

    Hello, I currently hold a B.S. in Physics with a minor in Mathematics, but personally felt that to be more prepared for a job in industry, I would need to obtain a Master's degree, so I went through the whole graduate school application process, got into graduate school, and just recently...
  30. M

    Software Engineering Certificates?

    Hi All, Lately I've been getting the itch to go back to school (part time). I've been working more and more on software efforts and I'm really enjoying it. I don't have a problem actually writing code, but I do think that my lack of training in good software engineering fundamentals (i.e...
  31. C

    Letters of Recommendation for Non-Traditional Student

    Like the title states, I'm curious about letters of recommendation for non-traditional students. I'm finally due to finish my degree (BS in CS / Minor in Math) after approximately eight years. It took me so long to get my degree due to military service. I went to an online school (UMUC...not...
  32. B

    Schools Which schools offer the best online Biology or Physics degrees?

    I am a new user on Physics Forums and I just want to know which Colleges or Universities offer Physics or Biology degrees that are completely online? The reason I ask is that I cannot afford to go out of state (or out of my own county for that matter) to get a science degree. My interests...
  33. L

    Programs Online Degree Programs: Pursuing a BS in Mathematics

    Hello to all on the forum. I was wondering about online undergraduate degrees. I turned 25 in May and am pursing a BS in Mathematics at my local university. However, I find myself failing a lot. It's not because of the material but my lack of availability to attend classes and submit assignments...
  34. Gimblestitch

    Programs That Age-Old Question - Online Physics Degrees

    Is it possible to attain an online undergraduate physics degree in the United States? My investigations show that the Open University and SUNY (via Empire State) offer a science degree with a concentration in physics. But what does that mean? I’m a math major at Indiana University, but my...
  35. F

    Homemade Quantum Eraser Experiment revisited with photos and full text

    This experiment is based on a Scientific American article from April 14, 2007 ( ) or ( in renderable text). The article demonstrates how to set up an experiment that illustrates...
  36. questar

    Biological Elements/Trace Elements

    I'm trying to determine the elements that are present in the human body. Online I'm finding inconsistent determinations. I'm reading that some lanthanoids are present, then on another site, none are present, though I see no reason that all lanthanoids would be present to some miniscule degree...
  37. T

    Schools Decision on which college to attend; nuclear engineering interest

    Both sons were offered a full-tuition scholarship at UAH and at the University of Alabama. Son 2 is going to accept at UAH and wants to do a double major in Aerospace and Mechanical. Here's the dilemma: Son 1 really wants to major in nuclear engineering, which would require him turning...
  38. A

    ME Looking to transition to EE, Go for BS or MS?

    I've been working as an ME for approximately 3 years and I'm not enjoying what I'm doing as much as I'd have hoped. I'm currently completing an MS in ME Control Systems, which I absolutely love (2 courses from completion). During my MS coursework I've taken a lot of EE courses on electric...
  39. maverick_starstrider

    Can I Get A Reality Check (Accepting a Postdoc Or Not)

    Hi all, I apologize in advance for a bit of a lengthy preface on my question. I'm a PhD student in computational condensed matter (with a specialization in parallel and high-performance computing) who's just finishing off my degree. I don't want to continue in condensed matter...
  40. J

    Are there freelance jobs online?

    Hello to everybody, I have been looking for online physics jobs, that can be done from home. I wonder if that kind of jobs exist. I have found jobs related with teaching online, writing articles and so on, but I wonder if there is any option to do "real" physics. Of course I don't...
  41. L

    Is Vector Calculus Needed for Statistics?

    I've taken a multi-variable calculus course already that covers infinite sequences and series, Taylor's theorem, quadratics surfaces, double and triple integration etc. I'm looking to get a Master's Degree in statistics two years from now, is there any point of me taking a class that involves...
  42. B

    Pulley with 2 Blocks on an Inclined Plane. Help please

    Homework Statement I've been stuck on this problem for hours now. I know it has to be somewhat simple, but I am not too great in physics, so I am asking for help on how to complete this problem. Two blocks are positioned on surfaces, each inclined at the same angle 50 degrees with respect...
  43. TheSenescent

    Preparing my future, are my goals viable?

    Hello there, users of Physics Forums! My name's Keyan, and I'm a graduated 18-year-old. I only have my GED, unfortunately, but I plan to explain that happenstance in what may be a rather long post. I'm hopeful that the community here can help me make some decisions about my future and how to go...
  44. M

    Chemistry Direction (already hired) for my Chemistry career

    Hi all, Thank you in advance for your responses. I recently graduated with my bachelors in Chemistry (December) and was gainfully employed immediately thereafter (Early January) by company X. I am seeking advice as to the order in which I should pursue certifications and post Bachelor degrees...
  45. X

    Deriving the quadratic formula.

    1.Homework Statement Derive the quadradic equation, ax^2 + bx + c = 0, using the fallowing method. 1. Divide by a, if a =/ 0. 2. Move the constant to the other side of the equation. 3. Square half the coeffecient of bx and add it to both sides, fixate the negative sign on -c/a. 4. factor the...
  46. M

    Help with understanding potentiometers?

    Homework Statement Consider 2 wires, A and B, tied together at both ends, and call the point they are tied together point X. Wire B does not bend (it stays fixed) and only wire A bends. You need to measure the angle of wire A relative to wire B. When the wires are fully bent around point X...
  47. L

    (Yet another) getting a job with a physics degree thread.

    I am looking for a job, any job. Fortunately, I will be starting graduate school in the fall. I have already graduated with a BSc however and want to make the best of my time until it starts, saving at least some modest amount that'll cover for the eventual travel and first month(s) of living...
  48. M

    Programs Mathematics foundation for degree in Physics

    Hi, After looking at future requirements for my program (Medical Physics), I realized it doesn't have as many specific math requirements as pure Physics module, but still has all the Physics requirements. I was just wondering, beyond first year Linear Algebra and second year Calculus, what...
  49. Y

    Master in applied mathematics, MA in math, and Ms in math?

    Hello guys! I really need some help here. I will get my BA in mathematics in two months. I want to get a master degree in math online. However, I'm not sure what should I get. Here are three programs I saw. Master in applied mathematics, MA in math, and Ms in math. I'm not quite sure what...