What is Input: Definition and 616 Discussions

An input method (or input method editor, commonly abbreviated IME) is an operating system component or program that enables users to generate characters not natively available on their input devices by using sequences of characters (or mouse operations) that are natively available on their input devices. Using an input method is usually necessary for languages that have more graphemes than there are keys on the keyboard.
For instance, on the computer, this allows the user of Latin keyboards to input Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Indic characters. On hand-held devices, it enables using the numeric keypad to enter Latin alphabet characters (or any other alphabet characters) or a screen display to be touched to do so. On some operating systems, an input method is also used to define the behaviour of the dead keys.

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  1. V

    B Understanding Input Signals in Transistors

    Hello , This doubt arose while studying chapter on semiconductor devices in grade 12 of high school physics . Please clear a doubt in as simple language as possible . In order to be specific with my question I need a diagram which is exactly as mentioned in the video below . Kindly see Note...
  2. V

    Is there an RFID chip that lets you add sensor input?

    Hi, I am working on a project where I will be building my own sensor and would like to have this in an RFID circuit. I am new to this so any info pointers would be much appreciated. Here is what I would like to do: The receiver would send a signal to energise the circuit. Using this energy, my...
  3. A

    A LTI Impulse Response Estimation with Point Process Input

    Hello, I am trying to estimate transfer function of unknown LTI system, given output and assumed input as point process. I have measurement of output, while input, which is assumed to be point process, could be created synthetically using known times and amplitudes. My questions: 1. What is...
  4. S

    How to calculate maximum gearbox input torque

    I am a bit confused by a customer and their request to know what the maximum torque he can apply to a gearbox when the motor input speed is 258rpm. The motor is a 2HP brakemotor, 1750rpm at 60Hz, 460VAC 3phase, 1.65 amps motor tested. The gearbox has a 200:1 ratio rated for 0.093HP with an...
  5. M

    Schools Curious for your input to accept my graduate school offer

    I'm currently actually a first year masters student in Software Engineering at a small state school in Wisconsin, but my Bachelor's is in Physics w/ a computational emphasis from the same school. For an undergrad, I had a fairly large amount of research experience in nuclear physics (2...
  6. doktorwho

    Question about limiting inputs in C

    I want to write a program that in the twodimensional array stores only capital and noncapital letters of the alphabet and the sign #. Everything else inputted cannot be stored in the array. How am i to do this in the easiest way? I can think of only checking for each input if it exists in some...
  7. I

    Calculating Input Voltage of a Step Down Transformer

    Homework Statement A pair of power transmission lines each have 0.68-Ω resistance and carry 650 Amp. If the primary voltage of the 10:1 step-up transformer is 4.6 kV, calculate the input voltage of the step-down transformer at the other end. Homework Equations P=IV V=IR IpVp = IsVs The...
  8. V

    MHB Trouble understand IVT, FVT, unit step input.

    Here is my transfer function, G(s) = 1/(s+1). I know this will be a half parabola looking output with a unit step input whose initial value will be 0 and final value will be 1. I got the initial value by takeing the limit of the function at inf and the final value by taking the limit of the...
  9. F

    Constructing the input state given the probabilities

    Homework Statement The spin components of a beam of atoms prepared in the state ##|\psi_{in}\rangle## are measured and the following experimental probabilities are obtained, $$P_{+}=\frac{1}{2}, \quad P_{+x}=\frac{3}{4}, \quad P_{+y}=0.067$$ $$P_{-}=\frac{1}{2}, \quad P_{-x}=\frac{1}{4}, \quad...
  10. Roy1984

    I Overall energy input in random vehicle vibration tests

    Hello Everyone I have got a question concerning the calculation of the overall energy input in random vehicle vibration tests. I have got different power spectral density levels for different random vehicle vibration tests and would like to compare them with each other concerning the overall...
  11. Bill48

    Equal Input Voltages on Op-Amps

    When the inverting input is higher than the non-inverting input, an op-amp voltage comparator will cause the output to saturate to the highest possible voltage. When the inverting input is lower that the non-inverting input, it outputs zero. Question: what is the output when the inverting and...
  12. khurram usman

    Upsampled input to an Adaptive filter?

    I will try to explain the issue I am having as clearly as possible without going into my coding or maths. I have my own and a MATLAB Central implementation pf standard LMS in MATLAB. Fixed step size. No normalization or other stuff. I am trying to use it in a system identification setup. I...
  13. mattyboson12

    Control systems -- input with non-zero initial conditions

    Homework Statement Deriving an s-domain equation for the following inputs a) &b) The Attempt at a Solution I understand how to derive the equation for an input with zero initial conditions (part a) but I'm not sure what to do when there are non-zero initial conditions (part b)
  14. C

    Engineering Calculating Diode Current in R-V Circuit w/ Sinusoidal Input

    Homework Statement R = 1 kohm and Vs(t) is sinusoidal of (peak) amplitude 3 V. The diode is modeled by the series combination of an ideal diode and 0.7 V voltage source. For what percentage of time will the diode conduct? answer: 42.5 Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I'm...
  15. C

    Why Is Input Voltage Vd=0 Bounding Output Voltage V0 of Ideal Op-Amps?

    Homework Statement So we just covered op-amps in class and when going through the lecture notes and reading the topic about ideal op amps, I came across this. It says that if the gain A is infinite(which it is in ideal op amps), the only way the output voltage v0 can remain bounded is if the...
  16. SuperSusanoo

    Question about input of scanners in flex

    Homework Statement I have the following set of definitions CHARCON ('([^\\'\n]|\\[\\'"0nt])') BAD_CHARCON ('([^\\'\n]|\\[\\'"0nt]|\\[^\\'"0nt])?[']?[\n]?) My questions are what is a charcon?, why does it have such weird characters and why are the characters of BAD_STRINGCON bad...
  17. RoboNerd

    SWIFT: Make program wait for input

    Hi everyone. I am working on a blackjack game using swift, and I have need to get the user's input from a console. While my code (which is attached below) works in theory, my program does not wait for the user to type some input in the console. Instead, it quickly passes over it and returns an...
  18. reddvoid

    Input capacitance discrepancy -- schematic post layout and parasitic capacitance

    Hi, I have a post layout extracted netlist, In which I am interested in input capacitance on clock pin, If i measure clock pin input capacitance on post layout extracted netlist, I am getting 1.58fF and when I measure the same in schematic, I am getting 0.6fF and I am able to find the paracitics...
  19. J

    Input Impedance of off center fed dipoles

    My name is Jackson Richter. I am retired from Rockwell-Collins and worked in the engineering lab for 31 years. Since my retirement my interested have peaked in radio communications. Especially in antenna design. Thanks to anyone here that would give me a little more insight with my...
  20. L

    How to derive this heat input equation?

    There's one equation that I've seen being used already, which by itself is quite simple, but I can't understand where it comes from. The context is as follows: suppose we have one heat engine operating between systems A and B whose temperatures are T_A>T_B. Let's suppose further that the...
  21. G

    Op-amps, noise and high frequency/low current input signal

    Hello everyone, In my lab class we've been given task of using op-amps to amplify a current of 1nA and frequency of order of madnitude 1MHz to a discernable level. We've been given breadboards, a selection of different op amps, resistors, an oscilloscope etc to achieve this task. We've made...
  22. F

    2nd order ODE boundary value constant input-- stuck

    Homework Statement Uxx - SU = A ; 0<x<1 Boundary conditions : Ux(0) = 0 U(1) = 0 The Attempt at a Solution I tried to set a new variable W = u + A, I can get rid of the A in the main equation and U(1) becomes = 1. If I set U= C*esqrt(S)x into the equation, its a trivial solution because of...
  23. J

    What is the Input Torque for a Gearbox with Given Parameters?

    Homework Statement A gearbox and flywheel are as shown in FIGURE 4. The output shaft rotates in the opposite direction to the input shaft at 5 times its speed. The gearbox has an efficiency of 92%. If the flywheel is solid, has a mass of 50 kg, a diameter of 1.5 m and is to accelerate from rest...
  24. Neil Chheda

    Ansys Solution as Input Geometry

    So I have a rectangular section as my geometry that needs to be formed in three stages. So after 1st operation I want to take that deformed shape and perform another operation (all analysis use Explicit Dynamics). Is this possible in ANSYS? Thanks in advance
  25. haushofer

    Entropy: second law for systems with zero input net energy

    Dear all, I'm trying to think about applying the second law of thermodynamics to a system which is not isolated, but has an energy flowing inwards and an equal (!) energy flowing outwards, such that the total energy does not change (total energy flux is zero). Can we still apply the second law...
  26. C

    Issue with Cancelling ESL for Input Capacitors

    I'm trying to set up a DC power supply filter for a 2kW motor controller. I'm trying to set up inductance cancelling for the input capacitor array. When I simulate the coupled T filter in the frequency domain I get what I expect to see. However when I simulate the transient response I'm still...
  27. Shuvam Agarwal

    How to get a pwm output for a 35 V, 0.35 A dc input signal?

    I am doing a project where I need to control brightness of a led light. according to presence. the brightness can be controlled using pwm but I cannot find a way to do that for high voltage input signals.
  28. B

    Fast switching between two input powers

    Hi Anyone knows of an electric component that can switch between two input powers. I have two DC input power,s one is 10V/2A and the second is 12V/2A . I want to be able to switch between the two without interrupting the function of my circuit . meaning without my circuit going off in...
  29. Planobilly

    How does probe attenuation affect input impedance on a scope

    I assume the 10X setting to be the most useful with audio work. Comments?? My oscilloscope has 1M ohm input impedance when set at 10X as stated above. What is the likely impedance at 1X ? The manual indicates the above chart is based on the probe being set at 10X. As I am dealing with DC...
  30. DevonZA

    Power output/input, energy input, efficiency of engine & generator

    Homework Statement Homework Equations P=2piNT/60 P=I^2R Pin=Pout/efficieny E=P/t The Attempt at a Solution 2.1 P=I^2R = (5)^2x48 = 1200W 2.2 Pin=Pout/efficiency = 1200/0.86 = 1395.35W 2.3 P=2piNT/60 *3100.78=2pi(500)T/60...
  31. D

    Functions in C to calculate hours, minutes, seconds from milliseconds input

    Homework Statement Write three functions int get_hour(int timestamp), int get_min(int timestamp), int get_second(int timestamp) which will respectively return the hour of the day, the minute of the hour, and the second of the minute from a value given as parameter which is in milliseconds...
  32. T

    Charging EV with varying input power

    I wanted to post this as a thought experiment. I wanted to preface this by saying I do not plan to build/experiment with anything being discussed as high currents/ high voltages are being dealt with and I am no expert.I am curious on designs for a system that will take the energy from a...
  33. S

    What happens to input power when inverter switched off?

    In a PV system, what happens to input power when an inverter is switched off? I noticed that voltage does not change much but the current does. Does this mean the resistance increases?
  34. Ahmad Kishki

    What is the significance of input and output load lines in microelectronics?

    Homework Statement I am not sure i know what is meant by the input load line and the output load line in parts b and c. I tried looking it up in my book (fundamentals of microelectronics by razavi) but to no avail. Any help is appreciated.
  35. F

    Calculating R and C values given input and output voltage

    Homework Statement Homework Equations $$ V=IR $$ The Attempt at a Solution To simplify the algebra it was suggested that I set $$ R_{1}=R_{2}=R $$ and $$C_{1}=C_{2}=C $$ So that's what I did. I labeled the voltage in the middle node as $$ V_{1} $$Taking KCL at the middle node gives $$...
  36. B

    Input and output voltages and amps on my laptop's charger

    The wire on the charger that came with my laptop eventually frayed, and I had to buy a new charger for my laptop. Both the new and old chargers for my laptop plug into a standard wall outlet. On the new charger, it says the following: " Input: 100-240V ~ 1.5A 50-60Hz Output: 19V --3.42A 65W...
  37. A

    MHB Need help on how to input invnorm and normalcdf using large numbers

    Hi, I'm a little unsure how to input large numbers into the TI-83 calculator using invNorm and normalcdf. Here's the question to the problem: A study of VCR owners found that their annual household incomes are normally distributed with a mean \$41,182 and a standard deviation of \$19,990...
  38. S

    Use Transfer Function to Predict input for desired output

    Hello, I have a laplace domain system transfer function. I know I can use (say Matlab's lsim()) to simulate the output for any arbitrary input. Is there any way (numerically in Matlab or analytically) to determine the input necessary for a desired output time signal?
  39. J

    Calculating force input to air cylinder by airflow rate

    Hello there I'm having real difficulty with a problem to do with air cylinders and would really appreciate some help. I'm attempting to replicate the human breathing system in a simplistic form but I'm having trouble calculating the force required to provide the correct airflow rate at the...
  40. Hyo X

    Reduce Amplifier Drift when load is near input impedance

    I built a voltage amplifier based on the AD625 instrumentation amplifier. This chip has a 1 G-Ohm input impedance. When the load has a resistance of 100 kOhm, output drift is negligible. When the load has a resistance of 100 MOhm, output drift is significant and not acceptable. Are there any...
  41. O

    Input pressure required to produce controller output values

    Homework Statement A direct acting proportional pressure controller has a gain of 3, a range of 0-40 bar and is set to control at 25 bar. When the measured value and the desired value are equal, the output signal is 60%. Determine the input pressure required to produce controller output values...
  42. G

    Calculating Input Voltage for Switched Op-Amp Circuit

    Homework Statement Calculate the input voltage to an Op-Amp circuit. The circuit is exactly an ideal non-inverting amplifier except the inputs have been switched in that the supply is connected to the inverting input and the middle of the potential divider is connected to the non-inverting...
  43. O

    Are eyes the only input to animal vision?

    We already know about echolocation, using the ears to sense objects and space around us (also dolphins, bats, whales and some birds are quite good at this).. But how about using a sensor on our tongue to input visual information. Here is a Scientific American article describing this technology...
  44. L

    Can I use a for loop to end after entering a desired number of integers?

    I'm wanting to take user input and store it into an array.There is a a minimum and maximum number of input but otherwise the user should be able to enter any number of integers in between. Say the max number is 10 but I only want to enter 5 numbers. I used a for loop but it only ends if the...
  45. RJLiberator

    Mean Input Power & Q value , Damped Harmonic Motion

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I'm working on part a. The numerical value of Q. I have an equation stating that Q = ω_0/ϒ. I don't really know what ϒ is, in other places (http://farside.ph.utexas.edu/teaching/315/Waves/node13.html) it seems like the...
  46. ChrisVer

    C++: Pass Numbers Into x & y Arrays from txt File

    I know this is pretty basic question, but something doesn't seem to work right for me... Suppose I have a txt file, with the following input: x y 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 4.8 3.0 4.9 How can I pass those numbers into x and y arrays using a C++ code? My code so far is like this...
  47. Captain1024

    Find the Output of an LTI System Given Input and Impulse Response

    Homework Statement Consider a LTI system for which the filter coefficients are ##{\mathrm{h}_k}=\{1,2,1\}##. Find the output when the input is ##\mathrm{x}[n]=3\mathrm{cos}(\frac{\pi}{3}n-\frac{\pi}{2})-3\mathrm{cos}(\frac{7\pi}{8}n)##. Identify two frequencies in this composite signal. Show...
  48. AnonymousPT

    Field Effect Transistor - High Input Impedance

    I know FET offers a very high input impedance..but what's the reason behind it? Is it due to the reverse voltage applied at gate with respect to the source which makes the P-N junction reversed biased? If that the case, what happens when there is no voltage applied at gate?
  49. C

    Need to compress air given rotary motion input

    Hey all. I'm looking to convert rotary motion into compressed air. I'm seeing there are hydraulic gear pumps I can buy, although I'm not sure I can use them with air. Any advice? Thanks
  50. A

    How to design an impulse input in Matlab Simulink

    Homework Statement I would like to know a way to design an impulse input in a Matlab Simulink model. I know there are step input and ramp input blocks but there is no impulse input block. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution If any working is needed please let me know